Re: "Deidaraa" vs deathownsyou TD: 425.504.400

Lost wrote:Am I whining no this ain't the time or place if u want to continue them pm me in speed or set up a new topic stop chatting **** on this report
Oh your acting mature now after the 2 hours the other day of spamming me you f*cking Pr*ck. Bad enough you hide in vmode and talk ****. funny how u like to pick on small players but when it comes to someone ur own size or bigger your a p****y . DO me a favor and never again show ur face in forums. Talk about whining. that wasn't me the other day "Sheriff". Your time will be here before mine does. Fly Safe~
Judgement shall come to those full of greed. Power will be their destruction. My uprise will be your grave. I will come back strong in this new age.

You Are My Enemy

Re: "Deidaraa" vs deathownsyou TD: 425.504.400

I know you two are rivals or whatever, but that language is so unnecessary especially for a game like this. You two need to settle your crap or block each other. And as for you Kenneth, you need to calm yourself down. Because you already make your alliance look bad enough, probably the reason more than half this server dislikes you guys and I've only been back a few days and I see why. So please, do us all a favor and shut up or YOU leave the freaking forums. Tired of you looking down at people because you have a fleet that was gifted to you. So shut up and grow a pair.
The two most powerful warriors are patience and time

Re: "Deidaraa" vs deathownsyou TD: 425.504.400

That's not it at all. I did not start this but i will be ending this. I destroyed bc i have been prevoked. This fleet was givin to me to reek judgement amongst you fools and i can't believe you joined them. I don't mind being the center of hate. Our alliance has done whats right and over through the power greed. I'm back in the action bc of a friend. I promise that i will get rid of these regiments that hide their true intension. Look at me as you wish. I haven't changed at all. Still want revenge. Still want to over throw the powerful and retire. I have nothing against none of you. My actions are for a good cause.
Judgement shall come to those full of greed. Power will be their destruction. My uprise will be your grave. I will come back strong in this new age.

You Are My Enemy

Re: "Deidaraa" vs deathownsyou TD: 425.504.400

We all think we're doing the "right" thing, but most of the time we're not. *Cough cough* And I'm sure I'll be doing the right thing when I begin picking you off lol. Not even scared to mention my intentions lol. What're you going to do? Bash my defenses? Pop my moons? lol, pleaseeeeee. Those are the least of my worries, and if anything, your alliance will be the one that gets exterminated. Those that're cocky get theirs in the end. Just remember that.
The two most powerful warriors are patience and time

Re: "Deidaraa" vs deathownsyou TD: 425.504.400

Lol look at you. Sound like one of them. And act like of of them. Welp. You been warned.

Ps (Your proving your own point. You are cocky) very cute. Anywayz enough don't message me in the game or out of it. I've no interest in ur defense, moon ect. Your not worth it atm. You can run ur mouth all day and get no where. That's where you and your alliance stand. I'll do my best to keep you entertained ^^
Judgement shall come to those full of greed. Power will be their destruction. My uprise will be your grave. I will come back strong in this new age.

You Are My Enemy

Re: "Deidaraa" vs deathownsyou TD: 425.504.400

Lol i have(Your over rated). I'm apathetic. Like i said don't really care. But if you manage to take me on. I'll solute you. And btw. There's no way I'd look down at anyone. Its funny how players think i do. It's sad. If you were in our alliance you'd think other wise.
Judgement shall come to those full of greed. Power will be their destruction. My uprise will be your grave. I will come back strong in this new age.

You Are My Enemy

Re: "Deidaraa" vs deathownsyou TD: 425.504.400

You're like the hitler to their alliance. Obv they're going to look at you in a different way then the others do. But obviously the rest of the server sees how you are and make up their own opinions on you guys and I stand by them. Look at your alliance members posts on forums and tell me if they sound mature. If they do, you're just as pathetic as they are. "Mafia will destroy everyone", sounds something maybe Hitler would've said about Germany, but we all know how that ended. Yeah I just synthesized this with some history for ya. But I'm now DONE with this convo. BYE. I'll be waiting for "my time" to come.
The two most powerful warriors are patience and time

Re: "Deidaraa" vs deathownsyou TD: 425.504.400

They're more mature then i am o.o make you guys look like children. Keep looking from the outside and you'll get no where. And Hitler nope. Those were simple truths. But hey. Some will understand and some wont. Some such as yourself will criticise forever and some wont. Until they look at the inside you'll see true experience. My partners are nice ppl. They dont act like kids like your alliance goes through messages. You guys always come to us blowing up our inbox. But yeah shut up. You just got back and have no clue about anything lol you just got back. No clue who the real enemy is. It's whatever tho. Take care mate. Hope life treats you good. ~Fly safe
Judgement shall come to those full of greed. Power will be their destruction. My uprise will be your grave. I will come back strong in this new age.

You Are My Enemy