This is how Logged operates...You hit a member of his Alliance, he kicks that member the same day. Just so the hit doesn't influence his Alliance Defender of the week stats.
This is the truth, he has done it countless times and will keep on doing it. Talk about comradeship :mrgreen:
We've had members hit , never kicked them out..NEVER!
Walk with THA swagger!


i forgot to say , im expecting a forrum band for all this , i know for fact these kind of discussions don't sit well with chat administration . i spoke here only the truth and as harmless as i could . so i wont be suprised by anything . im really a nice person . kind regards to all . caius_the _undying_gaurdian ( WAR )


I really hope you know what you are talking little troller i said to harley after he got crashed 4 or 5 times i don't even remember how many times he got crashed by jackal yesterday i said to him if you will lose again your fleet against HC you are out i don't keep members in the alliance to feed HC they are powerful enough and i admit it i will be soon lonely by myself and my friends and again little brother of harley or big brother trading moonshots is a part of the game if he don't want to trade then just don't trade it i will find someone else to trade with me is not that big of a problem ....i even given him a 9k moon without a trade just to see him safe and i say it to him harley mate please stay safe and be more careful next time after the hit from jackal now 3-4 days later again hit it is not my problem that he don't want to listen to my advice and to fs somehow that he will wake up before fleet arrives and i don't put him to stay almost 3 days awake on a game to raid OMG and smoking weed he better quit now because a game don't deserve our healths this is a friendly advice many players quit because health problems and i know a lot of them .....when i am feeling sick and want to take a break i am going in v-mode and take a nice vacation with my girl i did it before and i will do it again if i see that it will be boring again that will happening soon anyway again not my mistake that he didn't want it to listen to my advice and to other words from me......i hope he will take care of him instead of staying almost 3 days on weed and awake this is not good at all...
ING Names : logged

Feed me more!
Feed me more!
Feed me more!


FIRST OF ALL WHO SAID HE WAS ON WEED LOGGED ? now this is discrimination , are we discussing weed here now? not me . second of all you just admitted that you will endup lonely in time for giving off moral in you're post tht you're friends are there just for ms abd then when they fall you will kick them then find others to use for ms . #3 i'm not a little troller so please don't start with the name calling logged . as i recall , haven't you been warned and or banded for trolling and or forrum violation? . #4 why go on to discuss his fleet crash ? why ? i know , it's the reason you have kicked harley from you're alliance again and again , what was initially mentioned was comradship / friendship and this was the result . DUDEi thought a role model of you as you should be as a long time member of Zorg , but sadly i now see you're true coulor . as for harley , yes he on his behalf is not perfect as most would like a alliance member to be . isn't his yet again another loss devasting far more than it is for you ????


again you are talking without read it what you just post it you said something about me i defend it my self and again i didn't discriminated anyone ok? it was his fault because he was kicked not mine so stop making me look bad because your brother lost it his fleet 10000 times against jackal ....i advised him to move from there to fs in another place a lot and a lot and he never listen to me now because i did what i warned him 2 days ago i am a bad guy no i am not i warned him to stay safe i look it in another way when he got crushed again and again by jackal and faceless now that was too much another feed to HC not under my alliance name sir...better play with 1 friend then with 1000 players that don't want to listen me or to teach from me.....enough said you can troll how much you want this is troll ....i am not trolling i am defending my self against your posts....that is all....have a nice game last post from me ...if you stop harass me...
ING Names : logged

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Feed me more!
Feed me more!


expecting a lock from a moderator , things are being kept nicely here though may turn tide , not by me i will keep my cool . closeing statement , to whom this post originally concerned i hope you will take more concern friend , and apply more sensitivity when going about you're multiplay flaming and more importantly band "threats" . i believe there are proper steps to undertake though i believe threatning the accused player , and spreading hanest rumours like so are not the preffered steps as you can see .
Last edited by chaos ender of voids on Fri Nov 23, 2012 1:34 am, edited 1 time in total.


troll troll troll , is that what you think about is nothing but truth ? wich others know aswell ? yes i understand from you're point of view but it's not entirely within me to be that cold to a friend , i once was in an alliance like such , still we helped eachother up when did fall . Also i feel sorry tnow to have mentioned you're game play because it swayed off topic there . though sinnie pushed it this way by bringing harleys fleet crash into it . you sure are tough on you're friends though i will admit . a game will eventually reset or fade , friendship can last untill you're end of days .


Ahem...nope, you brought the crash into the discussion ;)

chaos ender of voids wrote:bad start to the morning indeed my friend , i'll be over shortly , i just got of the chat line with administration . dude , i wont be putting up with that . . also my brother HARLEY he got crashed yet again . due tostaying up to long ( days ) then went to sleep and slept more than 12 hours lol his fs . i must say , tisk tisk tisk , such a shame to be made an example of . better to be 100% safe than to try get rich by all means ( even no sleeping ) and leave room for error . well HARLEY , better to loose'em well their small , if next to not looseing at all .but keep in mind even the best loose fleet , maybe not the ways you have . but still . and you don't know i've posted all this but you will see it one day .i love you dearly and i know you will rebuild fast . do take more concern for yourself it may help in flying more safely GLOTR
Walk with THA swagger!


ok ya got me there , though true detail of his fleet crashes never came into detail until you conitnued lol . you're a nice guy and this is my fault i guess for swaying off topic by responding to my friend destroyer on this post instead of elsewhere. :think: :naughty: :wall: .how easy one thing leads to another . thuss lies my mistake . now where is a moderator when much needed right now . i guess a band is now in order ....... .. sigh if so i'm now thinking very very deeply of retiring . if i am to be band for this post being the only way i know how to convey a message to someone that provoked my response to my brothers private mails HARLEY informed me so , i also informed administration personally . now if banded from forrums i will retire due to distastefull character being tossed about in this once wonderful atmosphere . then speaking up about it so something may be done and being banded ( silenced ) for something i can prove someone prevoked will surely hurt and insure my retirement.
Last edited by chaos ender of voids on Fri Nov 23, 2012 3:23 am, edited 3 times in total.