logged [AoD] vs SilverRose [HC] TD 589.566.400

Just saw her fleet down and how i was close to her planet my attack took just 6 minutes to crush her fleet plus nice amount of resources staying there because she was raiding at the moment i think anyway i was think if to post it or not the cr but it is worth posting because now it is the no.1 hit from Massacre ...and above that she deleted her planet with nice buildings and defense and the moon too a noob action i say but it is her choice to run from me..... :twisted: :twisted:

Attacker Loss: 51.720.000 Defender Loss:537.846.400
winnings Metal:11.307.500 Crystal:8.330.222 Deuterium:2.378.133
Debris Metal:217.105.440 Crystal:124.654.800

All DF collected ....

GLOTR SilverRose

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
ING Names : logged

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Re: logged [AoD] vs SilverRose [HC] TD 589.566.400

=P You see, I don't have much of a life. But I do have enough of a life that I don't check every two seconds. You got lucky. I knew it was going to happen with your massive probing every single day. I"m not a hard core gamer. I do this for lols. If i get in the top ten or twenty I'm pretty proud of myself. I am fairly competitive but I'm not going to have my life revolve around a game. If you can put in the hours to be number one, two, or three, thats great for you. :shock:

Re: logged [AoD] vs SilverRose [HC] TD 589.566.400

Nice hit Logged, but once again you're being your arrogant self.. If a player has a colony in the same system with another player who has one of the biggest fleet in Massacre, it's a logical step to abandon the colony there to avoid becoming his farm. Especially after being hit like that. That's not cowardice , that's logic. But here you are again, being Mr big shot as usual. I posted a hit too , a few days ago. Maybe you should compare your post to mine... Big difference on how we approach certain things, boy... Big difference indeed..

GLoTR Rose, you'll be up and running again in no time :)
Walk with THA swagger!

Re: logged [AoD] vs SilverRose [HC] TD 589.566.400

Sin yeah big difference i don't lose so much fleet against someone when i attack you do . :P be more careful next time when you are crushing someone and be careful to send the required amount of ships to take down the enemy fleet i am not arrogant lol i just say my opinion why are you keep saying that :)))...i am a nice guy if you stay and know me but hey everyone judge everyone that is the problem here and silver i have a life too but i am playing from my home and work this game and i know all my farms so i don;t need to probe again and again and about your fleet crashed i was just jumped in that galaxy before i probe it you so yes i admit i was lucky :P...but no worries i am sure girl that you will rebuild fast ...it was hard to get you ..:P :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
ING Names : logged

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Re: logged [AoD] vs SilverRose [HC] TD 589.566.400

Lol, you have such a big head.... Use your eyes and read with them and not with your other "eye" ... It's not about what i lost, i don't have a big fleet like you so i make do :P I presented the hit without any demeaning comments on the target, something you like to do. It's a game and the players are people. If you crash a fleet, please don't be a a-hole about it. (Like you are,for instance). You've already crashed their fleet and taken their res, which may have taken them months to build/gather. Don't be a biatch.... Try to be a bit sympathetic , i know you have it in you, dumbass !
Walk with THA swagger!