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Re: Getting a big planet

Zorg will tell you the same thing. It's random, if it was a set value e.g. slot 14 always gives 400+ fields, everybody would colonise that slot :P
It's random , keep trying untill you get what you desire :)
Slot 4,5 and 14 , i have good experiences with those slots...Good luck!
Walk with THA swagger!

Re: Getting a big planet

Zorg will tell you the same thing. It's random, if it was a set value e.g. slot 14 always gives 400+ fields, everybody would colonise that slot :P
It's random , keep trying untill you get what you desire :)
Slot 4,5 and 14 , i have good experiences with those slots...Good luck!

Wtf? 2 posts?
Lmao, freaking lag!
Walk with THA swagger!