Re: Hells Champions (HC) Vs Angels of Death (AoD)

contruga2 wrote::wall:

If your good, you make profit in war. end of.
you want to complain about mines being off? HC know my mines havent beeen on in 3 weeks. i dont bother with them i just fleet and never use mines, so your going to complain about not making a hit?
crash my fleet, there's profit. seriously? we know how to not be profitable, doesnt make us cowards, makes us smart.
Honestly i dont know what you expect, me to leave 5 mil duet on every planet for ya? no, if i was a miner, i'd farm them while on, then turn off when i leave so not to lose defences when being hit, regardless of war thats how i'd mine. as im a fleeter they are always off,

saw yuna post a hit on her, 100K duet=300K metal, 200K crystal d/f= 400K metal, total =700K there was also other res. so not defence bash, almost all the hits i'v seen just now on HC have what? total of 300-400K when all converted to metal?

but really, all this is boring, you are losing the war and trying to flame, dont send me pm's about people flaming yuna, as there's quite alot here about cowards, noobs, crap players, crap alliance,
your mines were in negative duet because you dont even know how to turn off your mines! you just stopped the energy, went into negative and messed up, so dont have a go at us for something you then tried to mimic and failed to do.

there's almost 100 comments, screw that i want a good war with 100 combat reports with good raids/fleetcrash/halfblind/ninja/lanx... i want to see which alliance is better in war, who can make most profit, who can do good hits, i dont want to see whose most arrogant, or who has the biggest gob.

I stop to congratulate Jackal, his hits are the best in this war, 2mil duet & 2mil metal on the same hit and on many hits, massive congrats, With Rose and melkor i see the normal low res raids, to decent proffit raids that we do daily to get where we are.
I fail to see that in return, partly because the way we war,
but all in all both alliances are making a mockery of their names with all this crap on the forums,
Logged you want people to respect you? earn it. no one does now, they suck up to you for imunity from the fleet. why? because you flaunt it, you defence bash, and you threat so so much.
You want the respect that a good fleeter gets? go fleet and do something constructive.

sorry for the rant but Fck me! never seen so much crap and i cba to troll through 5 pages of b1tching on the forums when there are people to go hit. :boohoo:

A FYI Yuna, get an admin if you seriously want, but read through your alliances posts and the flaming is equal on both sides so :boohoo: to you alone for thinking you can flaunt that threat when both alliances are in the wrong and Sin's last post wasnt even a flame it was stating fact about fleetsaving and saying if your calling us cowards for it then you are to.
you cant report to admin for someone asking if you are what you call us for doing the same thing! again... :boohoo:
Im 18 yet i swear to god this is more childish than the day to day B1tching that goes on in a college or school.

Man up and play the game, and thats to everyone whose been sitting on this forum since the moment they woke.

:snooty: Tsk tsk tsk ... What a shame ... All you did so far was a big b!tching, much bigger than the college ones you've mentioned :Doh: Enough said though, tired of reading all this crap :boohoo:

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Re: Hells Champions (HC) Vs Angels of Death (AoD)

Pein wrote:well today a decide to come back to see how are my members doing and and a see war in masscre
sorry to post here but a must do it simple.
to both side less talking more cr .
also about flaming yuna a think you created this topic for that purpose lol
and offending is good for lungs and stress from zorg empire.
also each allaince has weakest you just need to find it.
good luck to both side.

Sorry to dissapoint you, Pain, but I didn't created this topic, contruga did. Also, again, no offense, but I do believe that this is none of your bussiness in here, it's between AoD and HC, not PL vs AoD. Thanks for your time though ;)

Alive, or just breathing ?

Re: Hells Champions (HC) Vs Angels of Death (AoD)

To summarize my strategy and as to why i have only one contribution until now:
1-I look for profitable hits, i don't hit a target for less gain then the deut i burn to get there....
2-When i finally find a target worth hitting, i launch..But if i get a PM, i recall..Ask Rescue, i recalled one or two attacks on him during this war..Weled(even though he's not a member anymore) can testify to that too.
3- It may happen that my fleet's in the air when a nice target pops up,i can't attack then.
4-I report and flame when i see cowardly moves, sorry but that's just me...You guys should know me by now...
5-If the alliance asks us to do something, i will do it unless i think it's better to do otherwise. Every player has his own strategy, some will adapt to the alliance ,some not so...We still respect every member. We sent requests, not demands. Every player is an individual who contributes to the alliance in his/her own way..:)
6-I always Fleetsave,nothing chicken about that, it's even critical to do when you're off. He who says that it's cowardly, is often the one who Fleetsaves the most..Heck , even in the player guide it's hammered into every newbie ;)

MrSinister :twisted:
Walk with THA swagger!

Re: Hells Champions (HC) Vs Angels of Death (AoD)

posted it on the CR's but shall here to as im sure you will somehow try and tell me its profit and should be allowed so ermmm...

defence bashing... we havent seemed to come to a conclusion on what is or isnt but really?

rescue4u (AoD) vs SilverRose (HC)
Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:16.293.000
winnings Metal:3.560 Crystal:11.343 Deuterium:1.133
Debris Metal:0 Crystal:0

Convert all to metal and doesnt even make 50K... so i dont really expect arguament when i remove TD seeing as we dont want a defence bashing war? (despite your other quite pathetic attempts)
sorry but this is just unacceptable and so i removed that TD

Re: Hells Champions (HC) Vs Angels of Death (AoD)

contruga2 wrote:posted it on the CR's but shall here to as im sure you will somehow try and tell me its profit and should be allowed so ermmm...

defence bashing... we havent seemed to come to a conclusion on what is or isnt but really?

rescue4u (AoD) vs SilverRose (HC)
Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:16.293.000
winnings Metal:3.560 Crystal:11.343 Deuterium:1.133
Debris Metal:0 Crystal:0

Convert all to metal and doesnt even make 50K... so i dont really expect arguament when i remove TD seeing as we dont want a defence bashing war? (despite your other quite pathetic attempts)
sorry but this is just unacceptable and so i removed that TD

Then you should remove hers upon rescue4u as well.

Alive, or just breathing ?

Re: Hells Champions (HC) Vs Angels of Death (AoD)

You want that defense bashing war Contruga why in the hell will you say no defense bashing turn off your mines and run away and wait for us to go offline the thing with offline waiting i have no problem that is what all we are doing...but you can't say nothing about defense bashing we wont play like how you want or wait i know you ask for that like AoD to stay and watch how you attack them not on my watch my friend no no no.... you want a war that is war demolish the enemy alliance ....ohh and you don;t make def bash because you attack with IPM one exemple SilverRose on Yuna on rescue4u and so let's stop bitching about def bashing and be a war if you stop your mines i can;t do anything about that and the last thing we can do all is to attack you even for 10k deuterium that been said you can start offend me all i know you will do that is your player way to annoy me ....
ING Names : logged

Feed me more!
Feed me more!
Feed me more!

Re: Hells Champions (HC) Vs Angels of Death (AoD)

Yuna, its not a hit for a hit, its pathetic, if any of my alliance posted a hit with not even 50K converted to metal in res i'd remove that aswell as its pathetic and petty, or shall i put a roamer out and bash someone 100x jsut to increase damage? even being as childish as you are i dont see how you can say that hit should work.

Look at my hits, all profit, play the same, the defence bashing is out of hand and pathetic
and logged stop having a go at me for having my mines off, they have been for weeks, im a fleeter and i dont bother using my mines, i didnt turn them off for the war so stop feeling i went out my way for you,
i dont love ya that much :naughty: