Hells Champions (HC) Vs Angels of Death (AoD)

Tensions always been running along side some members of both alliances and more and more the forum posts shared seem to be leading to war, Prepared we waited for AoD to declare after their war with HATE however it never came, so now we challenge AoD ourselves.

Rules- No Mercs, War will last untill friday 9th March 11:00 server time,
I'd also ask to play fair with no defence bashing and profit hits only, anyone can crack a shell but only those with skill get proffit while at it. :)

All the best to both sides and have fun!

Leader (Yuna), notified.

Re: Hells Champions (HC) Vs Angels of Death (AoD)

Let's see what happens coming week, it's just a game people, so no unsportmanlike behavior .
I have my fleet wrapped in nice ribbons for the one whose name we shall not speak,lmao.
He, the one whose name we shall not speak, has threatened to take my fleet,so i bought some nice gift paper and wrapped it up with pink ribbons, his (the one whose name we shall not speak) favorite color :)
Have fun AoD! And see you on the battlefield ,Logged... $#%@,i wasn't going to call his name rofl...

MrSinister :twisted:
Walk with THA swagger!

Re: Hells Champions (HC) Vs Angels of Death (AoD)

lol i just been noticed from Contruga now about that :))) until now i haven;t any ideea that AoD is in war with HC lol ..then let's the best alliance win hmm prepare my ships general.. :)))..
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Re: Hells Champions (HC) Vs Angels of Death (AoD)

melkor wrote:Let's the best HC win. :mrgreen:
Well, as MrSinister said, it's only a game, don't get too excited :) And as your leader, contruga, said, good luck to both parties involved. Now, now, don't be selfish darlin' :boohoo:

Alive, or just breathing ?

Re: Hells Champions (HC) Vs Angels of Death (AoD)

i agree about d/bashing, 2 cases could be disputed,
1) 11k lunars (very high duet cost to launch even on same system) sent with loss to probes which formed 1/3 the d/f of what little debris is there, i would be suprised if the attacker did much more than pay off the cost of the attack.... and is now being arrogant again.
2) d/f is attackers and not much res, not like the player so could be some was spent/lifted but no pm, will post a circ so we can keep to no d/bash just in case, dont let your thinking about what's in the c/r's get you angry tho, at least this hit was only a few million not 100million eh? ;)

Re: Hells Champions (HC) Vs Angels of Death (AoD)

ok contruga so what is the problem if i made over 100 mil dmg that is her defensive what wild you like me to send to her 2k lunars i send 11k 700k deuterium spend it over 2 million resources gained so where is the defense bashing check the forum your players had attacked ours for less then 400k resources so if it is in this way i wont be arrogant but if it is with defense bashing please say it because i can do a lot of that and put on AoD side 1 billion dmg in less than 3 days ....
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