Re: Vote on keeping Phalanx.

I can not believe what Zorg is suggesting.. By your admission you want to take away all skills in this game.. What some players bother to learn and improve you wish to give everyone..

Fact.. Moons where designed to hid fleet from Phalanx. Phalanx was designed to time attacks on returning fleet discovered. You are removing these fundamental game options. I am starting to think you will implement a automatic fleet save option next. What you are doing is taking away the individuality of each player.

The six options are still being with held from general players. Fine to be honest I do not wish to know how to cheat. The game is about learning to build fleet, attack each other and making a safe fleet save. You are saying remove all this and make Phalanx hits easy for all. Of course that depends on if you know how to do a 1 FS again which you are with holding. You seem to want it both ways here..? equal the abilities of lanx but with hold the ability of a 1 FS..

I return to my original request. I ask for a vote to remove the possibility of a 1 second fleet save. because this can not be done by human action but relies on computer /server/ scripting . Where as timing an attack on phalanx simply requires a player to do simply mathematics with paper and pen, of which anyone can learn.

Yes the game will ONLY remain if it has players.. By adding this option instead of removing the for mentioned, this will decrease player base long term.

If decreasing the use of rubies thus your income is your intention then by all means carry on in your plan.. I for one will no longer need or require the rubies I have used in the past. I am sure this will apply to all major rubies users. Allowing this option of a 1 second FS will remove the need for moons and in fact most of the current reasons for buying rubies.

What you are doing to this game is Let's not be using flames here. Warning Issued.-DR removing it far from the game it was and should be. I will always adapt and over come.. Hit/ attacks will diminish and player development will decrease along with the player base. I will quote you on this in 12 months time.. Even if I am not here..

However I once again ask.

Can we vote to remove this 1 second FS

of course if you ask for a vote on what you suggest I am sure that the 2000 players who can not or have not learnt how to use a Phalanx will vote in your favour.

Re: Vote on keeping Phalanx.

I agree with Gozar as well, there is too much secrecy surrounding these 6 ways to do one action (Send a fleet out).

I don't buy the clicking/typing through 2 pages to send a fleet out, it's being said that you have 1 full second to do it but that does not account for network latency and page generation times which are not so small in the context of a 1 second reaction.

So you're telling me in 3/4 a second (being generous for the argument here) you can refresh such that the fleet composition page loads up, select all ships, click continue, wait for the page to load, select a valid target, and then hit send? (This is assuming that this is without any resource being added too)

I'd be impressed to see it but I doubt I will anytime soon, so that only leaves some sort of shortcut either legal or illegal

Re: Vote on keeping Phalanx.

I don't think it is entirely possible to block the 1 second phalanx without blocking fundamental actions, such as refreshing your screen to double attack a target. Which is one of the ways to evacuate a planet in under 1 second.

remove the possibility of a 1 second fleet save. because this can not be done by human action but relies on computer /server/ scripting .
I think I just proved the above argument to be untrue.
And as I said, there are more ways to do so. Some would require scripting. But our job here is to block scripting and this is what I do.

You keep mentioning arguments that are ALL CRASHED by the Split Second feature. All of them. So I ask AGAIN, why you don't use it ? If you want difficult phalanx hits, then the current system is suitable for you. Just use split second feature and time it on same second.

You said in your initial post that gameplay should be similar to all but here you name "skill" the difficulty to time a phalanx. It is your right to name it as you want. However, if it is "skill" to time a phalanx it is also "skill" to evade it. ALSO, it takes "MORE SKILL" to make it a phalanx hit that CANNOT be evaded and only "THE REAL EXPERIENCED PLAYERS" can do it because "ONLY THEM" know how to use "THE SO-CALLED, THE LEGENDARY, THE NEAR-GOD-LIKE" split second feature.

So a simple OFFICIAL FaQ:

-How can I hit a returning fleet I caught on Phalanx?
*Simply time your attack on the same second the returning fleet lands.

-What happens if I time it 10 seconds later ?
*Any other method than the same second timing, may fail as the defender may be able to retreat his fleet if he is online.

And here are our CURRENT arguments:

-But it is difficult to set it on the same second!
*We could make it easy.

-But this will make it easy for all! I am used to time it on 1 second interval and I am happy that I am one of the few that can do this. You are taking the SKILL away!
*Okay, but in the same case this is the exact argument used by the other side.

-It is impossible I am telling you! It is a cheat!
*It can be done by a simple refresh.

-OMG! I cannot believe where this world is coming to. This will definitely cause panic and havoc and the game will lose thousands of players! You surely need to do what I am telling you here.
*Why don't you use the split second feature ?

So again,

If you want skill, you must be happy with the current status. Use split second, it takes a lot of skill and results are 100% correct.

Re: Vote on keeping Phalanx.

I personally am ok with the addition of a feature to set the fleet arrival time but I can see how it could cause issues and so I think something like that should be a voted upon feature.

As far as the ability to refresh the page to send a fleet out that does not seem consistent with what you've previously stated in regards to xNerox's scramble feature. Correct me if I'm wrong but your issue was with the bypass of having to go through both fleet screens to send a fleet out, here you have the same essential issue of bypassing the established procedure to send a fleet.

Whether it's automation or a feature of the browser it is kind of silly to say that this feature cannot be included because it allows X situation and then turn around to say that because a browser allows you to refresh the page and as a consequence of the game's implementation still achieve situation X but that's ok because after all it's not automation?

In the end would you not agree that you are not really against automation per say but the effect of it (I mean after all the ability to send probes from the galaxy screen makes a specialized request to automate sending probes out but it is available to all and is part of the game right?)

I wouldn't be surprised to hear the argument that everyone can refresh but then again you would need access to the browser the fleet was sent from. If you're playing from a mobile device or from some public PC then you do not have this ability.

As I tread carefully here Zorg so as to not been seen as mod baiting but your argument to use split second feature and dismiss the concern before you checked is not a good policy. I would respectfully recommend checking beforehand

Re: Vote on keeping Phalanx.

Hi all,

Blocking the 1 second evasion is unrealistic. There are limited ways to do this but they are not permitted in a mass production site such as zorg empire. Also, as Zorg said, these ways would also result in fundamental and basic actions that are used broadly by all users to stop working.

Our answer is Split Second. We realized that engaging missions were first in priority, and this has been just changed. Engaging missions are now last in priority. This means that an attack mission, will wait for all fleets to land on planet and then hit. This has been done to facilitate phalanx hits. Any past experiences you had that a phalanx hit would fail on same second, may have been correct and this will not be the case in the future. The players guide topic has been edited properly.

Now, again as Zorg said, it takes time and it is difficult to time a phalanx hit. A player here named it as skill. It is indeed skill as it is very furstrating and difficult to do it. If the playerbase thinks that this needs to be simplified we will comply.

There are really no other options. You either get to keep the hard task of using Split Second as it is now, or you get a better control that will allow EVERYONE to time ALL missions precisely (min 10% and max 100%).

This will also solve any exploitation done on attacker side.

Re: Vote on keeping Phalanx.

Medal makes a valid point, mobile users will be at a disadvantage.

I also see a problem with the button Zorg is suggesting. That is it will affect the fleet save cost/function. If you are able to adjust to % as you desire, your fleet is harder to crash, and you can minimize fleet save cost by select shorter distances.

p.s. to Gozar, while this is an issue, you may be over reacting just slightly. At least what happened to us didn't happen to you, if you follow combat report. lol

If you want our official position, then there has been no 1 second evasion to day, just mistimed missions.
This I cannot agree. I don't understand this statement when at least 3 or 4 prominent players have stated that it happened.