My ZE diary

Feb 28, 2012

Dear Diary,

I have been feeling a bit jumpy lately. Ever since the devastating defeat that i have suffered by attacking Lordshadow, I have been having nightmares, chest pains, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding, uncontrollable murderous rage, farting involuntarily.... Sometimes i find myself weep in the corner of walls.

My fleet is gone now, how will I survive in this rapist-filled galaxy?
I hear rumors that there is a new molester in town, his name is, Arthas, they say that he eats kids...

there is a chill in my back, I don't know if I can survive the night...

p.s. you fools get out of my diary :) and this diary is meant to be read out aloud with a dramatic voice

Re: My ZE diary

Feb 28, 2012

Dear Diary,

I have moved into a new galaxy, and have noticed it's quite full of glorious children to eat. One has taken my particular interest though, Big-Fat-Cow. It seems he has been molested by someone of the names of LordShadow. Being a molester myself I couldn't help but go after him. I think it will be a fun filled night as he has no idea I'm coming.

Re: My ZE diary

Dear Diary:

Schnitter needs to watch the flaming.

And there needs to be more new posts to browse
20 GP
The Trouble Maker
As Swift as the Wind that carries the Sand comes your DEATH

Omega Class Thank You to Devola/Gale for this super amazing sig.

Re: My ZE diary

Feb 29, 2012

Dear Diary

I'm not sure how but I have found multiple entries in the same diary.... all claiming to be random new comments... Who has been in my dairy? Also I seemed to have noticed Big-Fat-Cow has noticed me coming. It should be interesting, I don't think he will suspect it's me in the ice cream van.

Re: My ZE diary

Feb 29, 2012

Dear Diary,

The night was filled with howling wolves, and screeching sound of ungodly flying creatures. It was with great dread, that I drifted into sleep with exhaustion. Nightmares assaulted my slumber, and I hear voices whispering to me, taunting me...I could vaguely make out the voices to be..*gasp!* they were voices of Arthas the child-eater, and old school junkie schnitter! (the name "schnitter" is pronounced without the "c" and "n", i think it's french) Their terrible laughter awoke me in cold sweat, and i saw it was morning.

Somehow I made it through the night.

Another day of struggle awaits me...