[Disapproved] Ruby moons
#1Ruby moons are the bain of Zorg....for example, moon popping.....how can something that is an integral part of the game be impossible to achieve? I understand it generates income by buying a moon but they should still be under the same constraints as a normal moon....only difference is they are not earnt and therefore quicker/easier to gain.....As mentioned before by Gozar, even with 3 years of RIP building, ruby moons cannot be popped.....how or why has this not been changed yet .....to level things out I suggest ruby moons require less RIPS to pop seeing as moon destroys are now ACS defendable and the amount of moon destroys limited ........maybe reducing the cost of ruby moons would make up the difference to those that buy them knowing they could actually lose them and would benefit fleeters who use roamers and don't always have others ready for instant moon shots.....and before anyone says it, I have had my moons popped a few times, it's part of the game.....ruby moons take out an important element of the game imo ......