[Approved] Destroy Warning

So in the past week, I've gotten PMs from multiple different people asking me where their fleet went after attempting an MD. I propose a warning be put on the third fleet screen that there's a chance you lose your fleet from a Destroy mission, similar to the ones already existing for Espionage and Expedition.
Forum Administrator
Noblesse Oblige 77 MP

Re: Destroy Warning

Im not sure this should be necessary Sloth. Espy missions can be done after just a few days starting this game, whereas MD missions take probably a month of playing the game before they are attempted. Like zorg said some months ago "moon destructs are a serious business".

On top of that, there also is the fact that, any n00b stupid enough to send his entire fleed on a MD clearly does not understand the game, and probably should in fact lose that fleet. The only downside i see in this would be the fleet is blinked out like a light, rather than being turned into rubble that my recs can pick up.

Re: Destroy Warning

harryballsac wrote:The only downside i see in this would be the fleet is blinked out like a light, rather than being turned into rubble that my recs can pick up.
That's the problem. Same thing happens with any ship that isn't a probe on an Espionage mission, and ships you lose on Expedition. I see a trend ;)
Forum Administrator
Noblesse Oblige 77 MP

Re: Destroy Warning

Weresloth wrote:I don't think including a warning is handing anyone everything on a platter. I don't see the difference between this and warning people that sending fleet on an espionage mission is dangerous.
Information shouldnt be hidden from players neither be put in a manner that it is hard to find it.

+1 from me.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.