Re: Gumppy[Chosen] vs. Dubberman[SPQR] TD:770.552.300

wait someone said i had 3000 rips?..someone got a little zero happy.Sorry to burst everyones bubble but i is as legit as they come.Sorry you guys on the backend ( admins) have to field the silly tickets.Just imagine if i had internet n a computer to play on,my rate of harrasment on playerbase would be 100 fold.As it is stuck droidin it..which has its zorgin while drainning the snake..hows that for a mental image!

see you left alliance dubber..imo a step in the right direction.good luck in this dog eat dog uni.

Re: Gumppy[Chosen] vs. Dubberman[SPQR] TD:770.552.300

Scag wrote:Is SPQR the new Hellenia? haha
Gotta love the no loss hit.
so mate do you still think SPQR is the new hellenia? because if thats the case look at the last few farms that the senate has selected with the grace of Lord- (and im not talking about some 20 recs crashed like you guys do because you are pissed)- im talking about the mil of res we had as an increase in our income :mrgreen:

AHHHH music to my ears :boohoo:
Come and fest on the dead i leave after i pass...

Re: Gumppy[Chosen] vs. Dubberman[SPQR] TD:770.552.300

Avenger you are the most ignorant person I have ever met your IQ is actually smaller than your shoe size you are almost legally retarded.
How you manage to even breath is beyond me.
Your millions of resources, where are they coming from?
Are you subtracting the millions of resources that you all are spending on ipms?

I do not even know why I waste my time even talking to you, you are an absolute waste.
Why do you think I wont message you back in game?
It is because you are a frigging retard and I can't even pain myself to decipher your broken english, your an idiot little avenger.
Now instead of trying to act like a tough guy against a 20k point account launch on me dummy.

And as the chosen ones are pummeling you guys like little girls you are the new hellenia go tell tell the chosen ones you are not, no you won't do that because your a coward.
The chosen ones tear you up and you get mad at MDK hahhahahaha cowards.
I'll take 96.875%

Re: Gumppy[Chosen] vs. Dubberman[SPQR] TD:770.552.300

sorry for the nerd i had to get out of my rank master- would you need something else? btw- you know what im talking about .... ask hunter tool and the others about it... and why.... you got mad? because when we decided to farm you we made a few mil of your alliances *** like a bit under 100(in less than 2 h) ...ohhhh... thats so sad to hear..... i feel sorry for you, i really do. but the thing is all you can do is hope i attack you otherwise you never scan me, you never dare attacking me or jordan or gow or choke, and the list goes on- and on the other side we attacked all your members... funny... so the guy that you call noob is hunter or tool cause idn were the cr's are- but guess what they are profitable - and the ipms are just jordans way to tell you he loves you guys

about the iq- yes i am not from an english speaking country- but how many other languages can you understand even as **** as i do???? hmmm... funny never told you to speak my language

and btw hows that nasty ego of yours treating you- still cursing us- cause thats all you can do- curse nothing more nothing less

and don't worry about it chosen pound my members we pound you- and we have an ecosystem were you are the bacteria
Come and fest on the dead i leave after i pass...

Re: Gumppy[Chosen] vs. Dubberman[SPQR] TD:770.552.300

Like I said your an idiot and I don't feel I need to explain to little avenger about who I attack or when I will attack or why I am not probing, do you not think I don't know where your fleet is every night? Say thanks to the little bird for giving your fleet up everynight.
Your not even worth an argument so just like I do not read your messages in game I will not read them on the forum.
You are dead to me, you are a dirty back stabbing snake and your time with your milk fleet is limited boy.
End of conversation.
I'll take 96.875%

Re: Gumppy[Chosen] vs. Dubberman[SPQR] TD:770.552.300

lamo milk fleet?
dude lets not talk about milking and your 300 raids and your alliances 200 raids- really mate
about that milking
Raids : 5.429 | Wins : 5.299 | Losses : 130- those my good lad are mine and i have 1.3 mil
1.706- yours and you have 900k fleet or more
1.593- hunter
434- tools and lamo he has 500k points in research and 200k points in buildings and his fleet is like
-- bombers
--- dessis
--- lfs
--- lgs
--- rips

please be considerate and don't post other's fleet make up in public forum - BFC

and you guys built those fleets with... your 200k building points- lets say you have nanite lvl 7 that leafes 100k building points and 400 raids and he was v moded for the last month or so and so did hunter-

hmmm so you guys managed to do that hmmm congrats - or you used the res from expos- and you v moded once they were done cause you can't deal with the server... that might also be the case
Come and fest on the dead i leave after i pass...

Re: Gumppy[Chosen] vs. Dubberman[SPQR] TD:770.552.300

Oh here we go again...

Ruining someone else's CR thread with all this pointless raving. Everyone wants to call each other names and point out all the "flaws" based on this and on that. Almost childish really.

Point of the matter - Scag, I've been waiting since the As$ v MDK war for one of you to come poking around and have a go at my fleet, or even any of my colonies for that matter. True, I don't make too many attempts myself, but I send my occasional probes and raids time to time, whilst your fleet (Or perhaps we should just call it fodder) has seemed to go into hiding 99% of the time. Hunter is out of the action until his rebuild, and Tool seems to keep to himself for all I can tell.

As for where you got all your points or your fleets, I frankly don't care and I'm not sure there are plenty who do. You have them and that's more important to me than how you got them. Regarding the "new Hellenia", plenty of us in SPQR still flying around with shells and resources intact. While Chosen may be having plenty of fun with some of our members, I still don't see too much of MDK in any combat reports, except on the losing side.

Now perhaps we could all just let Gumppy enjoy his well executed attack on Dubb without the whole universe throwing a tantrum? Save the **** for the battlefield - less bickering and more CRs, if no one minds.

Nice hit Gumppy - well thought out and well played.

Dubb - GLOTR mate, keep coming back strong.