Re: Alliance List

lol thought you would get a chuckle out of that choke. :D

i was not here during the guard days but I did arrive about a month before vag disbanded.
Did they ever figure out who the spy was?

Also I was a part of Apocalyptic ninjas for a short time, but I left to start MDK because we had different views on the game and engaging enemies.
For the first month it was just me vrs a couple former vag memebers, we picked up a few more members and soon there after the war began.
good times.
I'll take 96.875%

Re: Alliance List

We're pretty sure, after the disbanding, who the spy was. He later tried to "Kill" the server but we all know how that ended. He seems to be still on the server but keeping a low profile. Too bad all those guys got taken up in the exploitation thing. It might have been more interesting if they'd tried to win without cheating...which is what they always accused us of doing. Their "moment in the spotlight" will never come.

Re: Alliance List

spies have been a way of every war ever waged n fought since the beginning of time.this is infact a war game.

the enemy of my enemy is my friend as they say and sometimes making a deal with the devil can work in ones favor.

once made fun of large alliances in a post back in the day when extreme was the only server..the african wild or something like that..noone can protect you when you are offline..if it was sitting when you went off dont expect it to be there when you get back..if your moon is under 9500 diameter..dont expect it to be there when you log in..harrasment and probes should be expected..if you get em and dont get attacked..means you are doing it right.

less is more..smaller alliance size ..less friends..more targets.want friends then facebook n twitter is where you prolly should be.

the hunt for the tough fleets should be hard..and in theory what should make the game interesting..the ones that go blue or quit are not rhe mental toughness or sav people we need anyhow so good riddens i say..dont let the door hit ya in the @ss on the way out.

Re: Alliance List

Meh spies are flattering it means your enemies worry about you.
But if you are good enough a spy can not hurt you no matter how hard they try.
Like Wu-Tang once said "Protect yo neck, diversify yo bonds"
I'll take 96.875%

Re: Alliance List

Not true scag...a spy can kill you...if he is doing his job right. He would know all the information that I would need to kill your fleet. It worked in xtreme all the time and still does.
“One mark of a great soldier is that he fight on his own terms or fights not at all.”

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Re: Alliance List. Updated: March 22, 2012

Sun Tzu's Art of War - Chapter 13: Espionage (the use of spies)

Spies are always useful if they know what they are doing. But it's hard to find a good spy since it takes serious dedication to
obtain accurate and useful intelligence. As a commander, you also need to know how to use that intelligence effectively.

I used to do spying for the guilds in Evony back when it was the biggest game on the internet, and it was hard work.