we should have a universal war

we should have a universal war have the two biggest alliance in x-treme fight each other once they start fighting let's pick side once the top 25 alliances picks sides with one of the biggest alliances han we can have a big war like world war I or II.

the two biggest alliances in x-treme are SGA and -IA- we would have to pick one of them what ever side you wants to pick and see if we can have an all out war.
freestyle my destiny, it's not written in pages
-Immortal Techinque

Re: we should have a universal war

simple bro in speed players ho think the own game rebel again zorg when he changed expedition
the think that was not fair because that the started there own war against speed
and results is nobody is playing ha ha speed
about yours wars
you maybe have many players in alalince but there all lack war experiance bringing mass numbers of players you wrote everybody else go hit me for free.

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Re: we should have a universal war

alright bro but we don't want war with SGA any ways those traitors from Night Hunter all 5 of them came from Imperial Armada but they build the alliance to fight us basically the alliance split into two and now we getting closer to war if we can we might have an war for an month
freestyle my destiny, it's not written in pages
-Immortal Techinque

Re: we should have a universal war

J.T.TheGreat wrote: the two biggest alliances in x-treme are SGA and -IA- we would have to pick one of them what ever side you wants to pick and see if we can have an all out war.
SGA started as super noob acounts then just errupted into big fleets and acounts, now has a chunk of noobs following in trail. as for -IA-, dont think there is an overly experienced player in there, strength doesnt come through numbers but team work. As such, A) even if everyone wanted a huge war, older players wont want to disband alliances to join in. b) few people will want to, c) I'd happily war -IA- on my own if you guys would actually fight back? :P