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Simulation variation

I just simulated a battle in Speed and the same in Massacre and there's a large difference.
In fact the whole scenario changes.

I being the attacker, win over in Massacre where as in Speed, I lose.

Any explanations?

Same attacking/defending fleet, defense structures and Armor/Shield/Weapon tech.

Re: Simulation variation

ph33r wrote:Yes, so that's what I'm asking. If battle engines are different.. would RF also be different?
Yes. The RF of some ships are different. Also, the way RF is handled is slightly different. However, this posts covers both engines:
How Rapid Fire works
The most important difference is ship to ship RF in M1. BE 1.1 uses stack to stack RF.

Massacre uses M1 engine
The rest three universes, use Battle Engine 1.1.

Here is how Battle Engine 1.1 works:
As far as I am aware, there are no official insights for M1 except for what can be found scattered along the forums (ie here: viewtopic.php?f=42&t=3065 - search for Zorg and Administrator posts at the latest pages for some details)

There are no plans to release an official help file for M1. It is up to the players to determine differences and use them to their own benefit. However, understanding How BE 1.1 works, will help you to understand how M1 works as well.

There are no known calculating bugs in either engines, so you can also learn how it exactly works by studying battle results.

Regarding battle simulator, there is some controversy. Keep in mind that it is a simulator and not a calculator therefore it can provide different results every time. Experienced players use it better. I have created a topic about it in the past:
How to use Combat Simulator which I believe to be very helpful.
It is easy to blame simulator when you have some loss in the battle but the reality is that most players are having difficulty to understand how battles exactly work.

In general, you can expect less controversy in M1 simulations. BE 1.1 is really hard to control but still controlable.

For most players, the graphical battle outcome and calculator should be enough. If you want something more out of it, I suggest you read all resources on forums about battle engine and keep especially focus to Zorg and Administrator posts.

For reference, the dev team is creating another battle engine which will be used in the future.