Ominous alliance is currently recruiting

A minimum of 500 points or more are required for you to join our humble "home". For further details, you can PM me ( Adassa ), or my leader ( ZeroApoc ) in game. You can find us under the name of Ominous, tag OmNs :)
Come and learn the basics of the game, and also enjoy it. NO blank applications will be accepted !

Alive, or just breathing ?

Ominous alliance Rank System

The Rank Requirements are as follows:

Leviathan - Special award ~ Alliance Co-Leader
Arch-demon- Special award ~ Alliance Assistant Administrator
Demon- Special award ~ Gopher for Alliance Leaders

Regular Duty
Arch-djinn- 500,000 Points
Djinn- 250,000 Points
Arch-nightmare- 150,000 Points
Nightmare- 75,000 Points
Fallen Angel- 25,000 Points
Archpoltergeist- 5,000 Points
Poltergeist- 1,000 Points

Probationary Members
Imp- 250 Points
Familiar- 0 Points

Novice- Awaiting membership confirmation by Leaders
Last edited by ZeroApoc on Sat Dec 17, 2011 11:13 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Ominous alliance is currently recruiting

Pein wrote:
Ominous leadership is authorized to send circular messages
lol members cannot send circular message only leader can
players dont wanna join in allaince where the cannot post circular message
and the must contact leader to post .
nobody will join you because of that rule
Exactly what Pein said. I realized this too late. I left another alliance and joined this one because they wouldn't let me send circulars nor look at the list of members.

Unless the circular message policy changes, I will leave this one again. Sorry.

Re: Messaging Standars

ZeroApoc wrote:Please be advised that only the Ominous leadership is authorized to send circular messages. If you would like to post a message to the alliance, please post here or send a request to an Alliance Leader. Thank you.
Frankly that is a huge mistake imo. Circular messages are an internal communication method
20 GP
The Trouble Maker
As Swift as the Wind that carries the Sand comes your DEATH

Omega Class Thank You to Devola/Gale for this super amazing sig.