Re: Phalanx Discussion

well..I finally had a reason to join this half baked forum... the concept of Moons needs to stay as it always has been.. (exception..expedition bug).. you guys need to clean up this forum.. revamp the Players Guides so it actually tells people the correct info they need to know... the MD stats you guys show are Hogwash.. I have seen Moons popped with as little as 150 Rips..and of 12 Pops I have seen reports on.. not 1 failed...also as long as you are playing around with the game.. maybe change it to allow ACS defense of moons.. someone mentioned in earlier post about another game like this... I play them and if you guys screw this up.. I will leave here and go there for good.. I imagine a lot of my friends will do likewise.... you guys have a pretty good game going here.. just fix the little things and try not to kill the game.. bottom line.. ANY Flight involving a Moon should remain invisible to a Phalanx.. and in the Future.. maybe let people who spend their hard earned money on rubies.. in on your little plans..before you just do it... is that too much to ask? :naughty:


Re: Phalanx Discussion

Zorg wrote:
MegaMedes wrote:I disagree with the ability to lanx anything going to and from a moon. Not just for me, but the smaller players that have only one moon. The solo players also will be hampered by this as getting someone to MS you is difficult.
There was a multi page thread in BUGs where most agreed that a fleet starting from a planet and going to slot 16 should be visible on phalanx. It does not make sense to me to have fleets going to outer space from planet visible but those going to moon hidden. It sounds like an inconsistency.

From one hand you want us to remove the option to an easy fleet save to outer space and in the other hand you care about the small players who will not be able to get moonshots?

It does not sound right.
I don't believe it to be inconsistency.

Fleetsaving from a planet to a moon that cannot be destroyed, like the one in slot 16, was making for 100% risk free fleetsaving and taking all skill out of the game. That was the problem.

Any other moon in the game can be destroyed and the fleet can then be seen on phalanx if it was sent from a planet. Which gives a fleeter a better chance of hunting down a target, without taking out all fleetsave options for those who don't have moons, or have lost moons and would like to start rebuilding.

Re: Phalanx Discussion

Keep MD missions (I had moons popped btw ....and? It's part of the game lol)..........and lanx needs to revert back to what it was b4 "fix".......why should I miss out on an attack because someone lanxed my target destination and gets there first as they were nearer? I lose the possible fleet crash/ debris field and deut costs of launch all because someone lanxed my "safe" attack from a moon??? .....and as Gozar clearly states, I could even lose my fleet upon return thanks to a half-blind lanx.......there are plenty with the "know-how" to do this in the I lose whatever I do....unless I just don't attack...........meaning mining (yawn)

Re: Phalanx Discussion


i have a couple simple questions that i would like answered before giving my opinion on all this.

why was this changed to begin with? what were the reasons that the phalanx needed to be as you say "tweeked" to start with? what went into the decision making, and where did you ask for feedback before making such a DRASTIC change to the game.

you have this forum, and tell us to use it, but before you did this, where is your post asking for feedback and ideas from the playerbase? please link me to it, because i must have missed it. there is another game very similar to this one that in recent months has seen many players from ZE move to. i have no fleet there, you know why? because the phalanx rules are very similar to what you are trying to do here. no question you own this game and can do what you like with it, but if you expect to keep players you need to do a better job properly communicating with them.

i await your answers.

Re: Phalanx Discussion

time sink always wins.A point i made clear when i sat high on the throne way back in the day.But i took it serious as the actions i made or didnt make impacted the way the server devoloped.

One of the things i stressed was no matter how much the game changed i would adapt n overcome.Gozar made a point on his 10k rips becoming worthless.I had to watch my 874k bs n 120k dessies become worthless after rips n rapidfire got buffed therefore i had to chunk them n make rips.

Fault can never be placed on the dev team for trying to improve game play.What they can do is unintentionally effect the economy but drastic change as lanx.

Moons are not just a feature in the game..They are EVERYTHING in the game.

i hope admins realize this as they decide where to go from here and give at least a 72 hour announcment ib game to let everyone know.As we have always known in past not everyone comes to forums like they should.

to me the hard was what kept me going.i hope it stays that way ;)

Re: Phalanx Discussion

Hi Zorg,

I think Harry, pkromm and Gozar have very valid points in this debate!

When you decide to change the game flow! how come you dont verify and get a feedback from the playerbase re these changes.

Afterall its the player base especially those of us who pays real money for playmoney in ZE universe to get some fast action.

You should make a request for change and let the playerbase vote, discuss etc. the proposed changes BEFORE you apply them to the game engine. Regardless if its weapons, resources, new functions or changes to existing functions.
All changes should be verified and consequences should be outlined before patch beeing applied...

If you wanna be the bigg boss and dictate the game flow you will end up alone in your universe! There are many other good browser games that are fun with less disruptive services to the game engine.

Im pretty sure that you are in this business for the money and hopefully the fun of seeing the game beeing a success.

KISS = Keep It Simple Stupid!

Regarding proposed phalanx etc. why not just keep the good stuff and fix the issue with slot 16!


1. Keep all moon ops invisible
If there is a moon involved in a operation regardless if its a transport, fs, attack, esp mission etc. keep them off the phalanx !
Also because not every player has many moons. If they got 1 they actually has a chance to grow and become bigger thus making the game interesting. Otherwise you will continue to let the elite control the masses and hence its less attractive for new players. If ops involving only 1 moon and a planet are detected then you expose planet, moons beeing used by a player. It doesnt matter if you dont expose the return time or fleet composition, the damage from the exposed is that you expose an action. There are some fantastic good players here like Gozar, Torgard, pkromm (im sure there are more, but I know these gentlemen and have seen what they can do...) that will easily make good use of any ops beeing exposed with phalanx ......

2. Make it harder to destroy moons! Today its to easy to pop moons.

3. Disable slot 16 for fs etc.

I think Gozar and pkroom have given a very good description of it all and a combination might turn out with a successful result.


Re: Phalanx Discussion

-Death- wrote:Moons are not just a feature in the game..They are EVERYTHING in the game.
i couldnt stress this fact enough, and what they are doing is basically making them obsolete. what do you think will happen to the activity of the fleeter if they keep this nonsense?

fs'ing is already tough enough for the n00b to understand, and they want to make it more difficult and confusing? this is garbage man, utter garbage.

Re: Phalanx Discussion

jonnytman wrote:Fleetsaving from a planet to a moon that cannot be destroyed, like the one in slot 16, was making for 100% risk free fleetsaving and taking all skill out of the game. That was the problem.

Any other moon in the game can be destroyed and the fleet can then be seen on phalanx if it was sent from a planet. Which gives a fleeter a better chance of hunting down a target, without taking out all fleetsave options for those who don't have moons, or have lost moons and would like to start rebuilding.
This is actually a very good argument, thank you.

What do you think on the points Gozar posted and Project manager follow up post ?

Re: Phalanx Discussion

I agree with Gozar. I do not believe that any moon mission should be lanxable. I consider this to be in the best interest of everyone involved, it keeps more fleets in the game and a stronger playerbase. If you decide that moon missions should be lanxable, Again I agree with Gozar and would prefer that the fleet and return times not be shown on both planet to moon missions, and moon to planet missions.