Re: Phalanx Discussion

Here is the issues that I have with this "fix"

1. I have to move resources at least once per day. Before the fix, it was not lanxable because I always sent it to the moon, now it is lanxable. Gives people a chance to see my movements and where I keep my fleet for that day. I agree with Torgard, one of the perks of having a moon should be that any movement to and from a moon should not be lanxable.

2. The top fleeters have a 4 in 21 chance of popping the right moon to find my fleet per day. Once the moon is popped, it reverts to the planet and is lanxable if you pop it at the right time. Calculations can be done in a relatively short time to figure out when my fleet will return.

I wait with baited breath to see the response :lol:
“One mark of a great soldier is that he fight on his own terms or fights not at all.”

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

the way it is now is correct....

In another game like zorg the lanx can see fleets unless they are saved to debris on a recycle mission or they are on a mission from moon to moon.

you can see attack fleets that were launched from a moon to a planet. (but not attack from moon to moon)
but since you cant lanx moons you have to lanx the planet.

so if you attack someone he can notify his alliance and they could get you on the way home. but this is how it shoulc be.

you can send you fleet out on a deploy mission and if lanxed before it arrives RECALL and it can no longer be seen.

we need lanx to be like this and that is how it was designed to be.

the way it was before it was worthless almost and not to many players even used it. this was a correct and needed fix. keep it, dont roll it back.

Re: Phalanx Discussion

Set up for Phalanx , there are my two cents :

1st All missions starting or ending on Moons Not detectable, except if Moon(s) destroyed

2nd Expeditions (slot 16) will not have any choices, just expedition and
remaining time, Detectable if sent from planet, or after Moon Destruction

3rd Keep the aloud MD missions within 24 hours

4th Fix ACS defend MD missions

5thd Due the close relation between MD and lanx:

a- Ratio Moon Size/ number of Rips to be increased at least 30%
b- Chances of Fleet destruction increased at least 75% of the % of Moon destruction

the table below is from our MD tool

Moon Destruction chances for diameter of 7,500 normal middle size Moon,

99%: 55 Death stars needed.
98%: 54 Death stars needed.
97%: 52 Death stars needed.
96%: 51 Death stars needed.
95%: 50 Death stars needed.
90%: 45 Death stars needed.
85%: 40 Death stars needed.
80%: 36 Death stars needed.
75%: 31 Death stars needed.
50%: 14 Death stars needed.
25%: 3 Death stars needed.
The probability of the destruction of the deathstar fleet is 43 %

So the 99%: 55 Death stars needed.The probability of the destruction of the deathstar fleet is 43 %

would be:

99%: 73 Death stars needed.The probability of the destruction of the deathstar fleet is 74 %

The above would process individually, I mean randomly Moon
destruction chances and Fleet destruction chances, so we may
have one of them or even both destroyed.

4th. Add nanites on Moons or better speed ratio , robotics/shipyard building times,
that will help to build defenses on Moons to defend against 1-10 rips sequential waves,
as we could send 20 waves of 3 rips on an undefended Moon and increase the destruction
odds without break the bashing rules,as the attacking fleet would be completely destroyed.

Re: Phalanx Discussion

I will start by saying yes the Moon to df issue is now fixed.. thank you.(it was not at midday when I tested.)

I find the whole issue of changing phalanx that has worked well for 3yrs without many complaints (except the exploitation of slot 16 ). Why change something so dramatically when it was working well...?

I have to disagree with the phalanxing of any moon mission.. I for one know that given an arrival time and destination/origin of any given fleet I can workout a return time known as a half blind lanx. I and 4 other players have done such in the past.. So as the only player that need not worry about a returning fleet being ninja I still disagree with this change. However in a compromise

I would like to put forward the following proposals for Phalanx options.

Missions that CAN be fully seen on Phalanx including fleet information.
1. Planet to Planet:- sent on attack, transport, ACS defend, Expedition (outer-space) and outbound Deploy.
2. Planet to DF
3. As above from a Moon following a Moon destruction

Missions that can be Phalanx-ed with limited information to compromise with new fix.
1. Planet to Moon but as stated no times shown or fleet information.
2. Moon to Planet but as stated no times shown or fleet information.

Missions that can NOT be seen on Phalanx.
1. Moon to moon
2. Moon to DF
3. Moon to Expedition (outer-space)
4. Any recalled deploy mission either sent from a Moon or a Planet.

Re: Phalanx Discussion

We have been thinking the whole concept very carefully and I have to say that the below proposal is quite close to what we have now and what we could improve:
Gozar wrote: Missions that CAN be fully seen on Phalanx including fleet information.
1. Planet to Planet:- sent on attack, transport, ACS defend, Expedition (outer-space) and outbound Deploy.
2. Planet to DF
3. As above from a Moon following a Moon destruction

Missions that can be Phalanx-ed with limited information to compromise with new fix.
1. Planet to Moon but as stated no times shown or fleet information.
2. Moon to Planet but as stated no times shown or fleet information.

Missions that can NOT be seen on Phalanx.
1. Moon to moon
2. Moon to DF
3. Moon to Expedition (outer-space)
4. Any recalled deploy mission either sent from a Moon or a Planet.
From this proposal, 3 things do not currently happen with the version at hand:
A) Any recalled deploy mission either sent from a Moon or a Planet.
Currently it shows time but not fleet composition. We can accept this proposal and completely remove it (it will show no fleet movement in this case) as it makes full sense.

B) Moon to Planet but as stated no times shown or fleet information.
Our difference right now is that we show fleet info. If we keep it this way, we allow
1)Clinical ACS Defend
2)Blind Ninja
Blind ninja will add some spice to the game. If we conceal fleet info, blind ninjas will still be a choice but who would try it on an unknown fleet ? It is a choice that we need to make and we expect from you all to express your position.

C) Planet to Moon but as stated no times shown or fleet information.
This one is the toughest call. We will need to open all strategy cards here before taking final decision.
Here are all the alternatives:
1)Only return time to planet is detected. Fleet info can or cannot be hidden.
2)No fleet movement detected
3)All visible

Currently it is at 3) and we mostly lean towards 1 with fleet info visible.

We would like to select what is best for the game fun and not what will serve in the short term.


We also agree that there should be a slight tweak in MD mission. The options there are:
1)Increase chance of RIP destruction
2)Increase number of rips required for destruction while keeping scaling of moon diameters
3)Improve scaling of moon diameters so it will be more linear. This will also lead to increase of number of rips required.
4)Expand MD destruction mission limitations to other universes

We mostly lean to slight adjustments to both option 1) and 3)

If there is common agreement between the playerbase, we can process both tweaks before the reactivation of Phalanx.


The game needs to evolve and become better. This is why we abandoned what has worked 3 years now. 2 years ago, phalanx usage was free. This has changed. Now we need to further evolve it.

Re: Phalanx Discussion

The problem with being able to phalanx planet to moon missions and revealing returns times is that large players can scan small ones and pass the information to smaller mates. Small players have not had a chance to develop moons. While this does encourage teamwork, it also makes things very hard for those who have not played this type of game before.
Outside the box? What box?

Re: Phalanx Discussion

Administrator wrote:B) Moon to Planet but as stated no times shown or fleet information.
Our difference right now is that we show fleet info. If we keep it this way, we allow
1)Clinical ACS Defend
2)Blind Ninja
Blind ninja will add some spice to the game. If we conceal fleet info, blind ninjas will still be a choice but who would try it on an unknown fleet ? It is a choice that we need to make and we expect from you all to express your position.

C) Planet to Moon but as stated no times shown or fleet information.
This one is the toughest call. We will need to open all strategy cards here before taking final decision.
Here are all the alternatives:
1)Only return time to planet is detected. Fleet info can or cannot be hidden.
2)No fleet movement detected
3)All visible
I disagree with the ability to lanx anything going to and from a moon. Not just for me, but the smaller players that have only one moon. The solo players also will be hampered by this as getting someone to MS you is difficult.
“One mark of a great soldier is that he fight on his own terms or fights not at all.”

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Re: Phalanx Discussion

MegaMedes wrote:I disagree with the ability to lanx anything going to and from a moon. Not just for me, but the smaller players that have only one moon. The solo players also will be hampered by this as getting someone to MS you is difficult.
There was a multi page thread in BUGs where most agreed that a fleet starting from a planet and going to slot 16 should be visible on phalanx. It does not make sense to me to have fleets going to outer space from planet visible but those going to moon hidden. It sounds like an inconsistency.

From one hand you want us to remove the option to an easy fleet save to outer space and in the other hand you care about the small players who will not be able to get moonshots?

It does not sound right.

Re: Phalanx Discussion

Administrator wrote:We have been thinking the whole concept very carefully and I have to say that the below proposal is quite close to what we have now and what we could improve:
Gozar wrote: Missions that CAN be fully seen on Phalanx including fleet information.
1. Planet to Planet:- sent on attack, transport, ACS defend, Expedition (outer-space) and outbound Deploy.
2. Planet to DF
3. As above from a Moon following a Moon destruction

Missions that can be Phalanx-ed with limited information to compromise with new fix.
1. Planet to Moon but as stated no times shown or fleet information.
2. Moon to Planet but as stated no times shown or fleet information.

Missions that can NOT be seen on Phalanx.
1. Moon to moon
2. Moon to DF
3. Moon to Expedition (outer-space)
4. Any recalled deploy mission either sent from a Moon or a Planet.
From this proposal, 3 things do not currently happen with the version at hand:
A) Any recalled deploy mission either sent from a Moon or a Planet.
Currently it shows time but not fleet composition. We can accept this proposal and completely remove it (it will show no fleet movement in this case) as it makes full sense.

B) Moon to Planet but as stated no times shown or fleet information.
Our difference right now is that we show fleet info. If we keep it this way, we allow
1)Clinical ACS Defend
2)Blind Ninja
Blind ninja will add some spice to the game. If we conceal fleet info, blind ninjas will still be a choice but who would try it on an unknown fleet ? It is a choice that we need to make and we expect from you all to express your position.

C) Planet to Moon but as stated no times shown or fleet information.
This one is the toughest call. We will need to open all strategy cards here before taking final decision.
Here are all the alternatives:
1)Only return time to planet is detected. Fleet info can or cannot be hidden.
2)No fleet movement detected
3)All visible

Currently it is at 3) and we mostly lean towards 1 with fleet info visible.

We would like to select what is best for the game fun and not what will serve in the short term.


We also agree that there should be a slight tweak in MD mission. The options there are:
1)Increase chance of RIP destruction
2)Increase number of rips required for destruction while keeping scaling of moon diameters
3)Improve scaling of moon diameters so it will be more linear. This will also lead to increase of number of rips required.
4)Expand MD destruction mission limitations to other universes

We mostly lean to slight adjustments to both option 1) and 3)

If there is common agreement between the playerbase, we can process both tweaks before the reactivation of Phalanx.


The game needs to evolve and become better. This is why we abandoned what has worked 3 years now. 2 years ago, phalanx usage was free. This has changed. Now we need to further evolve it.

Re: Phalanx Discussion

I think to make such a change without ANY prior notice is completely absurd. I have bought so many rubies over the 8 or so months of playing this game, and today my fleet was almost destroyed due to this change. It was out for a day and during that time this was changed, so I had no chance at all to prepare.

Thankfully the player that caught me was kind enough to let it slide (as he also doesn't agree with this change). Other than that, I think its a really bad idea, and if this isn't gonna be rolled back to normal I will permanently stop buying rubies as well as playing the game, its bad enough with the half dead extreme server, instead of focusing on bringing in new players it f**** off the old ones.