Re: Players Leaving the Game

Every server has player protection up to at least 10.000 points, which depending on how you play could take you anywhere from a couple weeks to a month or more. Keep in mind that those "puppy-stomping" experienced players were noobs at one point too, and they had to deal with the same types of problems that you as a new player now has to. As for the players who spend the most money, they tend to get crashed once and then ragequit. While it's unfortunate, since they're backing the game with their money, people who work for their points instead of buying them tend to come out on top.

The best advice I can give a new player is: expect to be attacked; expect to be crashed. This is a war game. There's a silver lining though, you won't get attacked if you don't make yourself a target. Stay unprofitable by fleetsaving and building some defenses. There are tons of guides and tips in the Player's Guide section of the forums.
Forum Administrator
Noblesse Oblige 77 MP

Re: Players Leaving the Game


If it helps I've been playing just under four months and have been out of any form of noob protection for a while now. I have yet to be puppy spanked, dog dipped, face rolled or any level of Copper Leauged. It is fairly easy to protect yourself with a few simple strategies, so long as you have a stable schedule.
Outside the box? What box?

Re: Players Leaving the Game

I understand what you guys are trying to say, I was just trying to respond to a group of comments such as:

"and the whining continues. Personally, players need to learn to adapt or move on."

I'm not saying its impossible to succeed as a new player against those that have more experience in the game. My point was that the whining can be legitimate if the game isn't designed to be newb friendly. I haven't played enough to have a stronger feeling on the topic in this game, but I have played other games where its possible to be conquered and wiped out by someone with 12 cities while you're still on your first by a force that you have no chance of matching, and so quickly that it can all happen while you're asleep. Didn't make for a fun game, so the new player turnover was very high.

In one of the earlier posts, a self-styled game designer was basically telling noobs to suck it up and try harder. I think that's the kind of attitude I was trying to comment on, since I feel that is not a good approach to growing a player base. Encouraging new players to "move on" isn't helpful to the community, and if the game is designed to reward noob farming, as many games are, then that is exactly what new players will do: move on.

Again, speaking without knowing anything about this game. I'm just commenting on the posts that rubbed me the wrong way, dismissing newbie criticism.