Contruga Vs Turola (he didnt PM me he was off, and i didnt bother saftey probing this time round, not my fault so deal with it:)
Attacker Loss: 60.000 Defender Loss:1.533.500
winnings Metal:642 Crystal:350 Deuterium:1.318
Debris Metal:18.000 Crystal:18.000
Jackal v Saandy (AZG)
Attacker Loss: 30.000 Defender Loss:1.838.000
winnings Metal:241.667 Crystal:176.450 Deuterium:52.913
Debris Metal:9.000 Crystal:9.000
Jackal v Humanmachine (AZG)
Attacker Loss: 30.000 Defender Loss:2.076.000
winnings Metal:73.614 Crystal:59.479 Deuterium:43.342
Debris Metal:9.000 Crystal:9.000
TD :
AZG : 87,816,650
HC : 12,315,950
#22MrSinister HC vs Lollo AZG
Sim showed less losses @#%!
But hey, still made some profit
Attacker Loss: 1.600.000 Defender Loss:12.433.050
winnings Metal:436.917 Crystal:81.350 Deuterium:264.392
Debris Metal:581.730 Crystal:606.300
TD :
AZG : 100,249,700
HC : 13,915,950
Guess the war's over then?
Sim showed less losses @#%!
But hey, still made some profit
Attacker Loss: 1.600.000 Defender Loss:12.433.050
winnings Metal:436.917 Crystal:81.350 Deuterium:264.392
Debris Metal:581.730 Crystal:606.300
TD :
AZG : 100,249,700
HC : 13,915,950
Guess the war's over then?
Walk with THA swagger!
Walk with THA swagger!
#23name needs changing...
Contruga Vs Wilhan (he lifted res but doesnt rly matter)
Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:189.000
winnings Metal:3.165 Crystal:19 Deuterium:12
Debris Metal:0 Crystal:0
Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:189.000
winnings Metal:3.394 Crystal:38 Deuterium:23
Debris Metal:0 Crystal:0
vs sensei (AZG)
Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:1.969.000
winnings Metal:275.000 Crystal:275.000 Deuterium:177.792
Debris Metal:0 Crystal:0
TD :
AZG : 102,596,700
HC : 13,915,950
Contruga Vs Wilhan (he lifted res but doesnt rly matter)
Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:189.000
winnings Metal:3.165 Crystal:19 Deuterium:12
Debris Metal:0 Crystal:0
Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:189.000
winnings Metal:3.394 Crystal:38 Deuterium:23
Debris Metal:0 Crystal:0
vs sensei (AZG)
Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:1.969.000
winnings Metal:275.000 Crystal:275.000 Deuterium:177.792
Debris Metal:0 Crystal:0
TD :
AZG : 102,596,700
HC : 13,915,950