Re: ViperFang (VS) Vs Contruga (HC)

Viperfang wrote:as you SHOULD have read this is between HC and ME.....they tried to drag in he alliance....which i am NOT a spokesman for.....just an interim leader....
Whats the matter viper, lost some stuffing ;)
As has been stated many a time, its all about the fact your alliance is a farm, no matter how you bend words its between HC and VS for that reason, trying to drag it all to yourself is pointless, you arent worth stopping our tractors for.
btw as for telling a MOD to do some reading, as you SHOULD have read lol, the CR's in the last 2 wars was all about profit so *yawn* farm, blah di blah, still going to hit VS where profitable the only way around this is to war us and prove us wrong, if you're alliance can beat us without defence bashing then fair play we wont consider you such farms.