we surrendr but,when sanndy is of VMODE prepare for a surprise all of you, oh have you seen my defense p.s i've got ABM & IPM 's i actually kinda like your style id prefer to be in your guyses position :twisted:
cool guys[or possible nerds&geeks on a computer],mb HAHAHA
-just a joke not mak'n fun of y'all-
:dance: :cry: ;)


Locked...but first AS a player we warred you(AZG2) and AZG and you both still lost...if you want to continue AZG's War losing streak keep up the always surrender in less that a couple days...

AZG war, keep with rules Sukazu

Can a mod please unlock my war and merge this onto it?

Done. -DR

Sukazu spoke for many when he posted so i declared war,
Im not going to accept his surrender because he doesnt know how to send a spy probe and so blind launches
cargos at my defences.
Only seanryan or myself can surrender although with the PM's i got I'l probably farm them harder than usual anyway. So AZG2, you may aswell try and fight back for once.

I'l hold on to any CR's i make during this time to have ready to post when this is unlocked


For the record i have 2 things to say,
1) Suzaku has left AZG2 then all but begged me to let him in Hells Champions (lol)
2) Only one of your members found the guts to hit me so far (was 0TD) (not considering Suzaku because that was just... silly), and your alliance fail to f/s, spend profitable res or generally know the things you can and cant do in the game... (many hits i couldve done if i had the time or wasnt to far..1 man war without J/G is difficult to do lots of hits with)
So with the 2nd point... your alliance makes me laugh to know you call yourselves AZG in any form.
I suggest a name change, (even your mother alliance only has 1 AZG member in and they havent played in about a yr, and the alliance still reaks of farms)

Maybe you should've asked the current leader of Azguard to take upon the AZG name before making such a mockery?


yup a agread contruga with you about azg on massacre
main allaince azg dint posted lost war a think against you
second all azg is only one in game
and third change name dont make fun out azg or a will join to in this war as mercanery against fake azg

Code: Select all


[quote="contruga2"]War ends Sunday 4th 21:00. Most TD wins,quote]

Wars over. Im going to ask you change your name from AZG again, as its a pisstake to the real alliance when 1 player can beat you, and im hardly the best player at this game :boohoo:

~Contruga: 4.803.000
~Azguard2: 19.088.550