Re: about v-mode

You have to be in vmode for at least 2 days before you can get out, they have it the way they do to prevent players from abusing vmode by going in and out of it after making hits and stuff.
20 GP
The Trouble Maker
As Swift as the Wind that carries the Sand comes your DEATH

Omega Class Thank You to Devola/Gale for this super amazing sig.

Re: about v-mode

Not hard to fleetsave if its just for a day or two,so can't see the point in messing about with it.Maybe a case to extend the time if what Dr says became a problem,Dont think players would do that though and never seen anybody doing it so a strange remark,I just went into vmode after a small hit but only the third time I have vmoded,and first shortly after a hit, so hope I'm not giving that impression,plus the player I hit unfortunately has no comeback as I took his fleet.I came out of vmode Sunday but shouldn't have as I only had a few hours spare,so should of stayed in it until the tale end of next week.Thought I best nip this in the bud in my case and put you straight in case you were referring to me,prob not but just in case.If a player does this 3 or 4 times they should be nailed for it,seen as though I have done it once I'm sure you never had me in mind,plus I had told a few in pm's about my vmode plans before any hit.
Know you prob didn't mean me but because that is exactly what I have done this time, thought I best set it straight.Would love to have the time to play 24/7 but can't.My work calms in a fortnight so will be back full time then and DeCruz will be able to wreak revenge at his leisure ;)
So no sorry pein bad move methinks 8)

EDIT actually on further thought when I do get out of vmode it will only be for a few days and even when I get downtime in two or three weeks it will only be a few hours a night,even then may have to vm again when I get busy,I'm self employed and get called out random times so I have been quite lucky with fs.Anyway decided to quit until a time when I can give the time it deserves.Have been contemplating it for a few weeks so nothing to do with anything,just lack of time to play.GL

Re: about v-mode

I don't see that a two day window would be so prone to being abused.

Reduction of mandated duration to two days' time would have my support.

I have employed it only twice, in anticipation of power loss due to storms.

When I have the power back, and can do nothing, it's a bit frustrating.
Ní mar a shíltear a bhítear.
Ní féidir maraigh tú an Dullahan
Níl luibh ná leigheas in aghaidh an bháis.

Re: about v-mode

am saying 2 days to get back
not 3 days
now a must wait until time runs away
because a hate realy when a must go work and a must go blue then when a come back early a cant do nothing

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Re: about v-mode

Pein wrote:am saying 2 days to get back
not 3 days
now a must wait until time runs away
because a hate realy when a must go work and a must go blue then when a come back early a cant do nothing
Well yes Pein I have had that prob a few times but Doubt you will get them to change the current way.Say a player can only play for two days a week if like me all you do is hunt/raid/n crash then your vmode will most prob be after a hit,and I do understand some players would assume the worst.The problem zorg has it needs players who have the means to spend the odd rube on merchant and moons and players who work are most prob the group that will spend.Its finding the right balance and I struggle to see any option that would please everybody.Maybe a new server for us part timers zorg lite maybe ;)