by dubberman
Pein, yes we want to kill all other players and kill this server. And the reason for that are game admins. First of all the expedition thing. It was balancing the game. I was doing 300M a day as average. Suddenly it has stopped , and look what a stop they did. Without informing us, they did the change , I've lost 11 EC because they notified 4 hours after changes ! They didn't give me what I lost .
We the players have voted 5 days ago to return that expedition thing as it was before cuz it is balancing the game . We could build fleet , it was a matter of time before we could compete again in this server. That killed the server. We had 3 choices , kill the server with killing all players, do a V-mode (delete account) or turtle and disgust this server with turtle shell. So we went for killing the server , the server who has killed balance by changing the expedition thing for the sake of some players .
And btw , it's a matter of time before they delete my post here or close the topic , cuz this is what admins know to do , instead of balancing the game and giving new chance for the server to relive .