Do you agree with the proposed tweaks ?

Total votes: 19 (76%)
Total votes: 6 (24%)
Total votes: 25

Re: Proposed further tweak of expedition

Come on man this is what I get for wasting 4 hours doing 5 expeditions, and I lose ships on top of it?

The fleet has discovered an inhabited planet! Your
explorers have recovered 11.450 of Metal, 5.725 of Crystal and 3.816 of Deuterium

Why on earth would anybody in their right mind continue with this aspect of the game, the way it is now is a complete and utter waste of time as well as a waste of the resources that I have already invested into expedition technology.

*Stick on topic ~ Zorg
I'll take 96.875%

Re: Proposed further tweak of expedition

Administrator wrote:...If there are worthy and balanced suggestions,then there will be imminent implementations...

We do favor pattern matching and chances based on:
-Ship strength
-Ship amount
The aforementioned solution of roughly 10% of cargo hold per hour fits the bill
Administrator wrote:If someone is willing to take a higher risk, then he should be able. Or we should turn expeditions into a tool for small players with PREFIXED MAX CAPS.
If you really want to take into account the risk factor, then a return to old system will be the only way to do so - considering the huge cost of Research and Elite Cargo's that are lost. The compromised solution does not take into account the cost of Research which is now a complete waste of vast resources
Administrator wrote:The decision is yours. The dev team will be monitoring the thread and will tweak the first post with tweaks proposed. You will be able to change your vote anytime.
If the decision is really ours like you said then we want a complete return to the old system. Other suggestions get approved based on Heavy Player Base support, so why not this one? Around 30 people are argueing in favour vs 2 against.

We all know that the expedition missions gave high resources, so cutting the resources found would be an acceptable compromise (albeit a useless one - considering EVERYONE can do this and EVERYONE can get the same resources out of it). But as it stands expeditions are utterly useless. Please don't even try to defend the current system because even you know it is complety useless.

Just when we were getting somewhere, you come and pull a stunt like this. There are votes counted for system which you have over-ruled by your own admin. Now when the 1st topic is ammended for the new system to vote on - what happens to the vote already cast?

Zorg had put forward a good compromise to solve this stupid argument and you completely undermine his authority like that. How is Zorg supposed to do his job when you pull such stunts?

Either return the vote to its previous condition or accept that if it is really our choice then we want a full return to the old system

As far as be FAIR and BALANCED is concerned Expedition Missions were actually the FAIREST and MOST BALANCED of all resource gathering tactics. Mining and fleeting work on exponential - meaning the longer you play the higher your income. Also the more Rubies you spend the higher income you get. Whereas Expedition Missions a fair because THEY ARE NOT EXPONENTIAL so the players at the bottom can of the ranks can gain just as much resources as players at the top. This leads to a better playerbase and more fleeting and mining. - and for that very reason it should not matter how much resources you get as long as you can make a profit! If everyone gains 100 Million then nobody has an advantage. But you end up with decent fleets and players willing to pay for rubies because they have wars to fight and have a fair chance of success. And the people who have been here longer and spent more more still have double or triple the income of everyone else because of their mines and fleets. So what on Earth is the problem?

I've put some valid points up for discussion and i invite your feedback. Anyone who disagrees with me, please have the respect to actually explain your reasoning - like i have. rather than just trolling. Sorry about the different fonts, its just a lot of text i wanted to split up.

Re: Proposed further tweak of expedition

How about the proposal of putting back to the way it was, haven't' you ever heard the saying "IF IT ISN'T BROKE DON'T FIX IT!!!!" ok obviously its not going back to the way it was....sigh....but at least if your going to propose something don't insult us with scraps, obviously we don't get dinner and desert but how about at least dinner? HAHAHA and not dinner at Mc donalds either more like Morton's....Just gimme one rib!!!

Re: Proposed further tweak of expedition

xNeroX wrote:
Administrator wrote:...If there are worthy and balanced suggestions,then there will be imminent implementations...

We do favor pattern matching and chances based on:
-Ship strength
-Ship amount
The aforementioned solution of roughly 10% of cargo hold per hour fits the bill
Administrator wrote:If someone is willing to take a higher risk, then he should be able. Or we should turn expeditions into a tool for small players with PREFIXED MAX CAPS.
If you really want to take into account the risk factor, then a return to old system will be the only way to do so - considering the huge cost of Research and Elite Cargo's that are lost. The compromised solution does not take into account the cost of Research which is now a complete waste of vast resources
Administrator wrote:The decision is yours. The dev team will be monitoring the thread and will tweak the first post with tweaks proposed. You will be able to change your vote anytime.
If the decision is really ours like you said then we want a complete return to the old system. Other suggestions get approved based on Heavy Player Base support, so why not this one? Around 30 people are argueing in favour vs 2 against.

We all know that the expedition missions gave high resources, so cutting the resources found would be an acceptable compromise (albeit a useless one - considering EVERYONE can do this and EVERYONE can get the same resources out of it). But as it stands expeditions are utterly useless. Please don't even try to defend the current system because even you know it is complety useless.

Just when we were getting somewhere, you come and pull a stunt like this. There are votes counted for system which you have over-ruled by your own admin. Now when the 1st topic is ammended for the new system to vote on - what happens to the vote already cast?

Zorg had put forward a good compromise to solve this stupid argument and you completely undermine his authority like that. How is Zorg supposed to do his job when you pull such stunts?

Either return the vote to its previous condition or accept that if it is really our choice then we want a full return to the old system

As far as be FAIR and BALANCED is concerned Expedition Missions were actually the FAIREST and MOST BALANCED of all resource gathering tactics. Mining and fleeting work on exponential - meaning the longer you play the higher your income. Also the more Rubies you spend the higher income you get. Whereas Expedition Missions a fair because THEY ARE NOT EXPONENTIAL so the players at the bottom can of the ranks can gain just as much resources as players at the top. This leads to a better playerbase and more fleeting and mining. - and for that very reason it should not matter how much resources you get as long as you can make a profit! If everyone gains 100 Million then nobody has an advantage. But you end up with decent fleets and players willing to pay for rubies because they have wars to fight and have a fair chance of success. And the people who have been here longer and spent more more still have double or triple the income of everyone else because of their mines and fleets. So what on Earth is the problem?

I've put some valid points up for discussion and i invite your feedback. Anyone who disagrees with me, please have the respect to actually explain your reasoning - like i have. rather than just trolling. Sorry about the different fonts, its just a lot of text i wanted to split up.
Unfortunately, the threads where the tweaks were being discussed are gone...
20 GP
The Trouble Maker
As Swift as the Wind that carries the Sand comes your DEATH

Omega Class Thank You to Devola/Gale for this super amazing sig.

Re: Proposed further tweak of expedition

just refund the little babies for their precious EC's, and just LOL at them when they demand you put the glitch back in place.

hey genius', what do you think happens when a bank discovers that one of its atm's is dispersing cash it isnt supposed to be? say i ask for $20, but instead because of a GLITCH in the system, it sends me $200, but it doesnt take it out of my account...therefore it is free money. yeah thats awesome, and i would enjoy it till it is discovered and corrected, but once it was fixed, i would have no ground to stand on as far as whining about it.

just refund their losses, because the ONLY argument any of these guys have is that there wasnt warning prior to this patch being added. I repeat, that is their ONLY argument. all this other crap is 1 player getting about 15 players(all part of the same n00b alliance) all riled up about an issue that they dont even have a leg to stand on about. wake up people, realize your free ride is over, and make a decision if you are going to sh*t or get off the pot. if you are going to quit, then dont let the door hit you on the way out, but if you are going to stay, learn the game like the real player base knows it.

there are several differing strategies in ZE, but this is the first ive heard of the strategy of sitting around doing nothing, risking nothing, and recieving huge amounts of resource

here is an honest suggestion zorg, i think we need a new classification of player. we have the fleeters, and we have the turtles, and we have a hybrid of the 2....but i would suggest we develop the new type of player, and name them bums.

grow up people, adapt your game, or just go play chutes and ladders or something.

1 warning: Flaming-Desert_Reaper

Re: Proposed further tweak of expedition

Reaper i couldn't agree with you more. You pretty much hit just about all the facts.. To be honest at this point .. i dont even know what am i voting for on this poll ? if i vote yes than its the new tweeks and if i say no its the old way ? back to reverted ?

And btw what i said still goes about how alot of people relied on that duet from expos for fleet saving.

Harry please stop trolling these forums.. This thread is not about name calling.

And that is not even the argument.. so stop posting and putting words in peoples mouth.. i think if he wants to read what WE"RE talking about he can.. he doesnt have to read it from someone who has done nothing but FLAME this whole topic from the start.

Re: Proposed further tweak of expedition

hunter216 wrote:Reaper i couldn't agree with you more. You pretty much hit just about all the facts.. To be honest at this point .. i dont even know what am i voting for on this poll ? if i vote yes than its the new tweeks and if i say no its the old way ? back to reverted ?

And btw what i said still goes about how alot of people relied on that duet from expos for fleet saving.

Harry please stop trolling these forums.. This thread is not about name calling.

And that is not even the argument.. so stop posting and putting words in peoples mouth.. i think if he wants to read what WE"RE talking about he can.. he doesnt have to read it from someone who has done nothing but FLAME this whole topic from the start.