Cypher (DR) vs Big-Fat-Cow (Stup1d) TD: 4,544,836,800

There is a mixed feeling about this one. It's tough that Cypher got bad lucks in several attacks recently, it happens. but I respect him for how he fleets.

There are also a lot of background story, of how I tried to ninja cypher in several occasions, only a few people in the server knows. I won't elaborate here.

short version: Cypher R.I.P.ed my planets a while back and I got mad, built a bunch of small ships and set up the ninja. He was on me right away. No RIPs were involved in the hit, I am quite proud that i was able to squeeze the ninja jump and moving away RIPs from the contact altogether to reduce my loss

The defender has won the battle !
The attacker has lost a total of 3.203.570.000 units.
The defender has lost a total of 1.341.266.800 units.
A debris field containing 1.375.184.580 units of Metal and 1.350.630.000 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 19 %
A moon has formed around the planet

almost all of my losses were ships that don't require deuterium to build

I picked up 2.1 B, Cypher picked up 600m.

waiting for Cypher's return. He will have a speedy recovery when he does.

Edit: Personally I like this battle, not because of its size, but because I planned this ninja for a week, and the last 2 days I built more than double my fleet size. Cypher did everything correct by planet checking and safety probe, also had seemingly overwhelming force, but 1 million LF vs 25k LG was just too epic.
Last edited by big-fat-cow on Thu Jan 05, 2012 7:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Cypher (DR) vs Big-Fat-Cow (Stup1d) TD: 4,544,836,800

I'm sure he will come back whenever.It wasn't this hit bfc so no need to feel bad lol.You will get no complaints from Cypher I'm sure.I got the impression he lost interest a bit lately think he was juggling a few balls too so looks like he fancies a long over due break as his studies are what matters.When i get crashed i will vmode too take a little time see if i can muster any enthusiasm to commit my spare time again.Those that can just plough on regardless are hard cases or is that nut cases lol.
Anyway well played bfc