Scag (MDK) vs Wickedfrosty (Hell) TD 649.370.550

My alliance mate launched at frosty and frosty dodged.
A few days later I was doing a couple lanxes just seeing who goes where and I see frosty's fleet on a long deploy.
He was heading to a planet with heavy defenses but I could still take him, so I launched hoping for a recall.
Frosty did come online and recalled, so I caught him on the return trip.
The sim had my losses ranging from 40-650 million, glad I caught middle ground at least.
Losses were mostly fodder and have been rebuilt.
Oh almost forgot, after the first hit I noticed all the resources and sent a couple more waves.
GLOTRB Frosty!

The attacker has won the battle !
Winnings: 14.983.867 14.983.867 13.396.713
Attacker Loss: The attacker has lost a total of 285.565.500 units.
Defender Loss: The defender has lost a total of 363.805.050 units.
Debris Field: 230.043.030 144.807.300

The attacker has won the battle !
Winnings: 32.923.325 13.374.692 6.698.356
Attacker Loss: The attacker has lost a total of 0 units.
Defender Loss: The defender has lost a total of 16.620.000 units.

The attacker has won the battle !
Winnings: 16.461.663 6.687.346 3.349.178
Attacker Loss: The attacker has lost a total of 0 units.
Defender Loss: The defender has lost a total of 11.023.500 units.
I'll take 96.875%

Re: Scag (MDK) vs Wickedfrosty (Hell) TD 649.370.550

Attacker Loss: The attacker has lost a total of 285.565.500 units

this is all fodder? you cant call your LF fodder when it is the main component of your fleet LOL

man this server has lost some really good fleeters and integrity, if this battle is considered a "success"

more players from speed should take a look at some of PK's hits on extreme to learn a thing or 2. this is just my 2 cents.

GLOTR frosty

Re: Scag (MDK) vs Wickedfrosty (Hell) TD 649.370.550

I wonder where the mods are to pass out warnings to these 2 trolls for flaming.
Do you really have such pitiful lives that you have to wait for the second that I post something so you can flame me?
With as much attention as you 2 pay to me I feel like a rockstar.
But I will play along.
It is funny that you talk about integrity HBS because you have none.
This battle was a smashing success, my fodder was replaced in 90 minutes and I profitted enough to build 1500 more heavy ships.
285.565.500 units lost
230.043.030 Metal
14.983.867 Metal
32.923.325 Metal
16.461.663 Metal
As you can see schnitter I profited just counting the metal.......use your calculator.
So while you 2 knuckleheads constantly critique my gameplay I'm making hits and growing my fleet.
And why dont you save the flaming for the war thread, it's about the only thing you 2 are halfway good at, and really not even then because I own you in that department as well.
I have another hit lined up later, I'll be posting it if it goes through.
You 2 might want to prepare to be the trolls you are and get ready to flame that post too.
I'll take 96.875%

Re: Scag (MDK) vs Wickedfrosty (Hell) TD 649.370.550

I had a hit just like this kind of ratio of win vs loss TD on extreme just the other night, but since it was more of an embarrissment(yes the sim screwed me too), i didnt bother posting it. the size was smaller, more in the 300 mil TD range, but as far as ratio goes it was spot on the same.

i can flame with the best of them, but i guess i have a different understanding of flaming because i havent seen any of that till scags response.

i say again frosty, GLOTR.

Re: Scag (MDK) vs Wickedfrosty (Hell) TD 649.370.550

In all sims my losses were mainly ships that are instant builds for me so losing them to make enough profit to make 1500 more heavy ships was why I launched.
I wouldn't consider it embarrassing considering I did profit.

HBS says the server has lost good fleeters and integrity but that isn't flaming?
inferring that I am not a good fleeter or that I don't have integrity isn't flaming?
Don't question my integrity HBS you can't even begin to explain to anyone about integrity when you have none.
I'll be the bad guy here yet again, I really can't wait to see you cry when I crush your fleet HBS.
I'll take 96.875%