Life star

precursor to death star this smaller than deathstar object requires 100k crystal 220k metal 0deut this in reasearch needs 3 hyperspace tech and engine ,10 laser, 5 ion ,5 combust, 4 impulse ,5 coumputer,8 energy.this has attack 50.000,.speed is 10.000 and on this ship the top are high efficeny solar panels so it dosent need energy but in case you go to far ,fusion reactors are kept and you may store deuterium,it tells you if you need deuterium by returning ,cargo capcity 50,000

:description,During making the deathstar secret document were being exchanged on a new ship turned out to be weaker these documents leaked to the universe created a chance for more nations to build these know,the reason they built these is for larger nations to attack yet find their fleet ruined