Re: A$$ vs MDK

Jad I assume you are aware we profit from much larger fish, so the occasional dodge doesnt hurt so much.
But the defense cant run and it does add to the TD, so if A$$ values their defense so much why declare a TD war.
Besides the whole puddle of tears over defense bashing when we werent the first in this war to defense bash is a little over dramatic.
Not to mention weakening your defense could make a big difference in if a hit on you will be profitable or not so it does serve multiple purposes.
You could just not build defense if it is that bad for you.
I'll take 96.875%

Re: A$$ vs MDK

Do you have a selective memory or something?

A$$ has been talking about profits for half the war, so I did the math on the profits and I do believe Choke asked to see the numbers and I gave them to him.
Do you not remember this or are you just fxxxing with me, it's hard to tell sometimes lol.
I'll take 96.875%

Re: A$$ vs MDK

just giving you some shiat there scaggy ;) those dessies must have been expensive to launch though :P tell tool to listen to the tips i keep sending him haha :lol: :lol:

Re: A$$ vs MDK

You also forget we have about 100 million deuterium each, launching a couple thousand dessies dont hurt too bad.
Now FSing on the other hand gets a little pricey. ;)
I'll take 96.875%

Re: A$$ vs MDK

NO harry trust me stfu already with this ill-gotten bullshiX, your like a fXXXing broken record with that shiX just stfu.
If you think we cheat go tell or just shut up about it already.
you seriously sound like a big fat cry baby.
I told zorg myself that people thought I was cheating and guess what, I'm still here.
This is not the first game that I was better than someone and they called me a cheater but seriously you are the first person to literally cry fuXXing tears for 2 months about it.

You guys are seriously like little A$$ babies, oooh scag your cheating ooh scag tell me your secret, just get off my nutts already thats what the wrinkles are there for.
I'm going to cheat my way to a bigger fleet than you and then I am going to crush you like a little girl for bothering me for 2 months about this cheating shiX.
WOW your annoying like a little mosquito that keeps pecking at your ankles except for all the tears, fuXX cry me a river already.
The worst bunch of cry babies to ever even breath, you just need to grow up already it really is annoying. :wall:
I'll take 96.875%

Re: A$$ vs MDK

This is not the first game that I was better than someone and they called me a cheater but seriously you are the first person to literally cry fuXXing tears for 2 months about it.

a little egotistical? saying your better than people...

Re: A$$ vs MDK

Jad I swear I try to be humble but I swear to flat out call me a cheater for 2 months straight and not just call me a cheater in a pm but out in the open on the forum for everyone to see, I'm not out here slamming harry's ability to play this game but he finds it necessary to slam my abilities and question my character.
Like he runs the place, even calling out zorg himself saying he wasnt doing his job because he was not investigating me and banning me from ZE for life for cheating.
I seriously told zorg myself people thought I was cheating because I am not cheating.
I do not care if I am investigated or watched or whatever I do not cheat I have never cheated and I do not need to cheat plain and simple.
I'm trying to be civil but it gets real annoying to have someone constanly out in public slamming your character.
I'll take 96.875%

Re: A$$ vs MDK

this is a war ehh?? the calling into character of an enemy leaders morals and values and actions to make him look cynical and wrong has been used forever its called the lovely world of propoganda....also called Phycological and emotional warfare...whether you cheat or not i dont know maybe you do maybe not im just here to try and have fun because theres no better feeling than the hunting and the being hunted ;)