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[XneroX Tools] Zorg Empire Custom Menu Discussion

This topic is to discuss the ZE Custom Menu that i have created.

ZE Admin has verified the source code, so here is the link to download (hosted on Zorg's servers)

Download: ... 20Menu.exe

Source Code: ... 20v1.03.7z

This is a community project and i hope that you can contribute to it, whether you have any ideas to make it look better, perform better or even help with debugging.

Here is a screenshot: (minor changes since this was taken)
Zorgmenu.jpg (276.36 KiB) Viewed 4892 times
*The chatbox has not yet been programmed. Version 1.02 is released. Do not use Version 1.01
Last edited by xNeroX on Sat Oct 29, 2011 5:11 am, edited 4 times in total.

Re: Zorg Empire Custom Menu Discussion

The program is intended as a program that saves time and increases efficiency in game play. Actions that would have taken 2 or more mouse clicks, will now take just 1. I intend to add such features as quick-launch for fleets - you 'bookmark' fleet movements that you perform regularly - and can launch the fleet in just one click.

Chat will be integrated to the side-bar and certain calculators and tools will be present.

The program has the blessing of Zorg Empire and the source code is made available to you. It is free to use, and i welcome any idea's or modifications. There may be bugs, which can only be solved by providing feedback. Please check this topic regularly as there may be frequent updates.

I have no intention of allowing this program to become a 'bot' for automating actions whilst you are away from your computer. Zorg Empire will have the final say on whether the features are fair.

Feel free to download, and post any ideas here

Re: Zorg Empire Custom Menu Discussion

Thanks, its a bit of a rush-job at the moment, but there's plenty of space for improvement. If you decide to give it a test drive, the only thing i can think of that you may need to know is that you have to click the overview button twice before the planet list gets populated. Also, ive commented out the auto-refresh feature as this got into a fight with the anti-bot system - i dont recommend uncommenting it. (as there is a 2nd hidden webrowser for the purpose of data scraping, i plan on implementing a system where the anti-bot page is recognised and all processes get postponed whilst a popup message asks the user to enter the code)

If your handy with and have the time, any changes you wish to make would be greatfully recieved and i'd be sure to include your name if you want


Re: [XneroX Tools] Zorg Empire Custom Menu Discussion

Downloaded the 1.03 version of the menu. Tried to run the executable but received the following error:
To run this application, you first must install one of the following versions of the .NET Framework:
Contact your application publisher for instructions about obtaining the appropriate version of the .NET Framework.
I would suggest that this menu be written in "Pre" .NET. I am not willing to download the .NET Framework due to it's high susceptibility of virus and adware attacks. Just a suggestion if this becomes a hit. ;)

Re: [XneroX Tools] Zorg Empire Custom Menu Discussion

The scramble button was an idea i had where you would pre-program a fleet launch and hit the scramble button to launch it. It was a bit ambitious and throws up error messages. I think its the &fleetused= POST data on the /floten3.php page that's stopping it - it looks like base64 but i cant decode it. I haven't done any work on this lately, but i'll focus on it again due to the renewed interest.

As for pre .NET it shouldn't be a problem to convert it. Having said that, i'm surprised that you got that error message - i thought i included the dependancies, i may have needed to include the dll's?