Re: Initial thoughts

neoshagrath wrote:Battles have more casualties than usual. Yeah more casualties on both sides but defenses still rebuild at 70%. A heavy nerf on ships but a great positive change for turtles.

Raiders will start to become a dying breed.
Reducing fuel consumptions of ships will greatly even the odds. Farther reach for raiders but flight duration remaining a heavy consequence.
I completely disagree. I see a balance right now and more to the raiders.
Let's take you for example:

Damage Inflicted Damage Suffered Raiding Loot
Weekly 8,594,550 1,468,900 7,257,548
Overall 8,594,550 1,468,900 7,257,548
Other stats
Moons Given: 0 Destroyed: 0 Lost: 0
Missiles Launched: 0 Blocked: 0 Suffered: 0
Other Expeditions: 0 Debris Collected: 2,692,030

Seems like you made 7,2 mils from looting
You lost 1,46mils to damage
Yet you collected 2,69 mils from debris

Total income: 8,43 mils

Now, how exactly raiders seem a dying breed to your eyes is a mystery. I can only think that it is the dizziness one usually suffers while at top.

Re: Initial thoughts

Here an idea that would make the competition more fun.

How about you award rubies for weekly scoreboard leaders?

Say 5 rubies for a first place, 3 for secod and 1 for third in each categories. That would make the weekly competition more fun.

Re: Initial thoughts

gallaorn wrote:I am as high as you can get and I use the scoreboard like every 5 minutes.
I'm sure what he means is the smarter player dodges the update, thus keeping them OFF the scoreboard.

I would sure like to revisit the new battle sim. You have made it much easier to take all the ships out of the sim which helps, but honestly why is it like this to begin with? You show me one instance of any player sending their ENTIRE fleet into battle, and I will show you one completely crashed uber n00b. My point is nobody would do that, so why change the sim this way? If I'm a new player, first impression after running the sim is that sending espies, cargoes, recs, etc. Is commonplace, but I can't ever imagine a scenario where anyone would do this. Its only a minor annoyance, not a huge issue, and I'm all for improving gameplay, but I can't find a single reason to have the sim this way. Also as I said it is misleading to n00bs. Please help me understand why the sim was "fixed" in this manner?

Re: Initial thoughts

Did you look at the massacre scoreboard? Not the ranking the scoreboard for weekly top. You know top raider, top attacker...

They are insta update you cant dodge these. You hit someone it automatically goes in the scoreboard.

If you are not playing on massacre you wouldnt know what I am talking about.

Not that I mind discussing my ideas and have people shoot hole through them but I would like to do so with people who at least have a minimum understanding of what I am talking about.