Forum/Chat Rules + Chat Moderator List

Forum Rules

Use of the forums is a privilege. At any time you may be banned or have your thread modified/deleted based on the content of your posts. Forum rules violation may result in your player account termination as well.

1.Harassment to other players is strictly forbidden. This includes the use of offensive, racistic comments or sexually explicit language in messages, or on boards; spamming; sending unwanted messages when told to stop, etc. Light hearted banter (flaming) within the alliance forums is expected but shall exhibit a level of respect. Please mind your attitude and language at all times. Be polite and have fun.

2. Trolling
Zorg wrote:
Wikipedia wrote:In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.
I see some people complaining about the game rules all the time while they violate the forum rules all the time.

I think that their lack of trust towards the game administration is the result of their continued freedom to troll wherever they want without getting banned for this trolling.

Trolling is a forum rules violation and will from now on be enforced with instant bans of 1 week for a start for every violator.

Read the definition and make sure you respect the rule. There will be 0 patience from any new troll post from this point after.

3. Any image shall be posted within good taste and of sufficient size as to not create conflict with the viewing frame or site operation. This also applies to links, quotes, and URLs. Posting copyrighted material is prohibited. Maximum image size within the body of the text is 600 X 600.

4. Advertising of any form is prohibited. Discussion or linking of online browser games is prohibited. PC and console based games may be freely discussed as long as they are within the context of non-advertising or not promoting for purchase. Discussions posted for the purpose of conducting illegal activities (i.e., drug purchases, online sex, etc) is prohibited.

5. Creating an account to falsely claim the identity of another user (imping) is prohibited. Guest's posting are subject to immediate deletion based on content. Every player is limited to the possesion of a single account.

6. Bots or any other automated functions are prohibited. No one shall discuss or ask for any application, ROM, WAREZ, packet, etc. that may result in the corrupt operation of a computer, site, electronic media, or application.

7. Mod Baiting (open discussion of a previously issued moderation or administrative action) is prohibited. Contact a moderator or administrator via e-mail, pm, or other private method of communication to refute or discuss a moderation or administrative action.

8. Hacking/ Hijacking of accounts is prohibited and will result in permanent ban.

9. Real life threats shall not be tolerated from anyone for any reason.

10. Posting of planet coordinates and any game info (like a spy report) is prohibited. Screen shots, combat reports, etc. shall be edited to prevent the exposure of a user's coordinates. No one shall post another user's email address nor any other personal access information. NOTE: posting of the administration email is still allowed, since that is the form of communication the admins prefer to use.

11. Posting of private messages/emails with another player or administration or moderators is forbidden.

12. Only one forum account per person. If you have multiple people on the same IP Address, inform a moderator or Weresloth to avoid all accounts on that IP Address being banned.

Moderators and Administrators reserve the right to revise, delete, or edit user profiles for violations of the Forum Rules.

Got a problem with a mod ? Check here: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=1849

Re: Forum Rules

====Chat Rules====

1. No imping (impersonating another player)
2. No trolling (sending harassing or inflammatory messages)
3. No excessive flaming (sending mean or insulting messages)
4. No spamming (sending repetitive, pointless messages)
3. No inappropriate links or messages (links/messages regarding graphic, offensive or pornographic material)
4. No mod/admin-baiting (public discussion of previous moderation or administrative issues/actions). If you have an issue, take it up with that moderator/admin in question, and if that does not resolve the issue take it up the chain of command.
5. No discussion of other online browser games
6. No circumventing a ban
7. English only in the main room. If you wish to speak in a different language, use a chat PM or create a private room.
8. With the exception of them showing on combat reports, no posting coordinates in the main room.

You are allowed to change your chat name to a variation of your ign, to indicate activity (i.e. MegaMedes-AFK)
You are allowed to send combat report links
You are allowed to lurk, all the time you want.

====Rule Violation====

If you are found breaking a rule in chat then the following will occur and move up the scale if you persist to ignore moderation,

1. You will be warned via chat pm and in the main chat room
2. You will be kicked from chat
3. If you still persist then you will be contacted via chat pm and then banned from main chat, the situation will be resolved via the open chat pm with the moderator and once sorted you will be unbanned from the main chat room
4. You will be warned with an in-game ban


If no moderator is present then it can be resolved later via pm with a forum moderator of your choice,

You must provide a copy of the chat log or screenshots before contacting the above


All grievances will be done in private. You may use chat pm or IGM (in game message), any public discussion of a moderated action may result in a ban. The following is the chain of command for moderators, if you have an issue with any of the following moderators, please take it to the next level up.

1. Community Administrator (Zorg)
2. Head Forum Moderator (Weresloth)
3. Head Chat Moderator (Cypher)
4. Forum Moderators
5. Chat Moderators
6. Temp Chat Moderators
For more details on moderator issues, follow this link: viewtopic.php?p=84518#p84518

Use the chain of command to also report a forum/chat rule violation.

Violating chat rules can cost you penalties that involve your universe(s) account(s) and your forum account.

Chat Moderator List

Current Chat Moderators


A new topic, outlining the details for applying to become a chat moderator, will be created in the announcements thread when there is a vacancy for a chat moderator position

Chat Administrator ~ 7 Gale Points

How to report a rule violation / I am banned! (game only)

Here is the new improved version of How to report a rule violation and what to do if you find yourself banned

How to report a rule violation ?
Send an email to

How long will it take for you to reply ?
We will not reply.

Why will you not reply ?
Because your role is limited in reporting.
We will only contact you if we need extra info.

Can I send to this email for any rule violation ?
Only for game issues.
For forum/chat issues check here

Even if I am not sure?
Even if you are not sure. However, the more info you have, the best.

How will I know if you did something to address my report ?
You will not know. Actions we take and penalties we may issue, are private.

What If I feel you have not taken the appropriate actions ?
You will need to ask yourself if you really know what we did. 99% of such complaints in the past have had their facts completely wrong.

Why you won't contact me back anyway ?
Because our experience all these years have shown us that this is the best way to operate.


I AM BANNED!!! What I do ?
If you think the ban is false/unfair/too strict, you can try emailing us at
You will need to include details on why you think the ban is wrong alongside with proof (if possible).

ANY other method will not work.

-It is strictly prohibited to bring the matter in the forums/chat. This is a personal issue of yours and bringing it in public will not help you gain anything - in contrary it will worsen any situation.

-You can only protest for YOURSELF! If someone else protests for you, he will be IGNORED.

-Make sure you have read the game rules before protesting.

Ban general info
-Any discussion in the forums/chat regarding player bans is not allowed. Any questions can be send directly to A reply is not guaranteed for such matters.
-Reimbursement over false bans (in terms of resources/rubies) will depend on the situation.
-Automatic bans put you directly in vacation mode.
-No exceptions will be done for anyone, do not ask for favoritism, there will be none.