Re: Forum Games: Solve the riddle

Neoshagrath is correct again, barely had that one up there. I think i'll have to go more difficult.

Score Table:

Neoshagrath: 2
Sadbutrue: 1

Riddle number 4:

A harvest sown and reaped on the same day
in an unplowed field,
which increases without growing,
remains whole though it is eaten within and without,
is useless yet the staple of nations.

What is it?

Good luck! :)

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Forum Games: Solve the riddle


Ok, Neo, your either wierdly clever or using the same website as me. :P

Score Table:

Neoshagrath: 3
Sadbutrue: 1

Riddle number 5:

I am not a king or a queen,
though people often bow when i'm seen.
Usually, the 2D shape of a ball,
i am the greatest traveller of all.

What am i?

Good luck! :)

Have fun with this one Neo. Nobody i have told this to has ever discovered the answer, suprise me! ;)

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Forum Games: Solve the riddle

Holy crap, way to go making my riddles look bad Nemesis! :lol:

Score Table:

Neoshagrath: 3
Sadbutrue: 1
Nemesis: 1

Riddle number 6:

I have existed forever,
The future becomes me
I have countless stories to tell.
I can haunt with pain,
I can please with joy,
I exist as long as I am remembered.

What am i?

Good luck! :)

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...