Re: ~ThE ReSiStAnCe~

Other than both of your guys work ethnics and skill....I say that can hold majority of who will win. Unless Chuck Norris is on your side or something I don't know. I think my statement stands strong.
Dumb for not doing this earlier but thanks for the sig Gale.

Re: ~ThE ReSiStAnCe~

Weresloth wrote:As much as I know Wallmart loves making enemies, let's get this back on track shall we?
are we talking about walmart the player, or the company slothers? when you think about it, i guess this statement applies to both. good luck with your recruitment resistance.

Re: ~ThE ReSiStAnCe~

You know me Sloth lol Ree, even you hate me. I like to make enemies of the superior players, while Harry like to bury his nose in their butts lol In this case tho, Its a just a big mouthed noob that knows not how much outclassed he really is. I find out why Harry grow so slow I get a PM one day from some low account noobs, harry pwns noobs with 60 BC, and pwns them inactives, this why he dont progress very fast lol Im ready tommy I have in days achived 2x your fleet size that you do in months, would you like to risk your fleet? I be waiting for some real balls that you attack lol Otherwise you just a tamed dog. October is here, Im active as ever once again with my yearly lay off = more zorg :twisted: Oh and harry if I could I would post some circs from your ranks, but I cant here, shall I pm you them? Why you got members pming CI about joining us too?

Please dont intervene Sloth.........this is just good ol fun, even tho tommy doesnt think so, he already report us, we know what kinda player Tommy is 1st hand, pwning noobs, and try to ban higher lvls than him, nice strategy :wall:
When faced with intelligent and devious strategies, do something entirely irrational and let your enemies think themselves to death