Re: ~ThE ReSiStAnCe~

rava wrote:
harryballsac wrote:I'm a tiny noob in a sea of bigger noobs, how can I go about joining your worthy brotherhood of n00bs? Specifically, I'm looking for a group of guys that like to talk all day long, but hide under the covers when faced with a challenge. Can I join you fellas?
surprise to hear that from someone hide behind #1 back
You apparently are not aware of current times.

Re: ~ThE ReSiStAnCe~

peterparker wrote:you've got big balls harry , made of steel lol
Yeah, they're big cause they're swollen from him scratching them all day long ;)
Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the Spiffiest of them all?

Do Science Responsibly: Don't Do Science and Drive

"While it's good to learn from experience, it is better to learn from other people's experience" - Warren Buffett

Re: ~ThE ReSiStAnCe~

Sorry harry, No room for scavenger Fleeters. You grow too slow for being a so called fleeter, seriously, we got pure miners growing faster than you who will soon surpass you in fleet as well once they decide to fleet :lol: We all here know you cant handle gettin flamed on, we already made you cry in chat when you flamed the hardest on persoanl lvls, tried to get us banned, instead got yourself suspended from chat :wall: Quit flaming if you cant take it back and keep it fun, maybe vmode, reevaluate your life and realise this just a game. So with that we will treat you as a "special" person from here on out, we wont be big bad monsters hurting your precious wittle fweelings again
When faced with intelligent and devious strategies, do something entirely irrational and let your enemies think themselves to death

Re: ~ThE ReSiStAnCe~

Wallmart wrote:Sorry harry, No room for scavenger Fleeters. You grow too slow for being a so called fleeter, seriously, we got pure miners growing faster than you who will soon surpass you in fleet as well once they decide to fleet :lol: We all here know you cant handle gettin flamed on, we already made you cry in chat when you flamed the hardest on persoanl lvls, tried to get us banned, instead got yourself suspended from chat :wall: Quit flaming if you cant take it back and keep it fun, maybe vmode, reevaluate your life and realise this just a game. So with that we will treat you as a "special" person from here on out, we wont be big bad monsters hurting your precious wittle fweelings again
suspended from chat??? When did this happen lol

But seriously, cut the crap and put up or shut up. U guys talk so tough, yet hide behind your pussification clause right on ur alliance page rejecting ALL wars. Haven't got the groups full support so this comes directly from me, but u edit out that garbage on ur page and lets go a few rounds? What do u say old buddy?

Knowing the answer, I'm going to make a recommendation, u lot drop the tough guy act because nobody is buying it.

Re: ~ThE ReSiStAnCe~

accepting no war doesnt prevent one from attacking if you use that as an excuse :lol: I would be more than happy to mass up your fleet size in 3 days :roll: Bet I do it in 2 days :lol: It will be tough for me to Ninja smash a special person, Killin all his months of hard work I can do in days :think: Could be a hate crime
When faced with intelligent and devious strategies, do something entirely irrational and let your enemies think themselves to death