big-fat-cow wrote:I don't blame you for not understanding, schnitter, after all, it is apparent you are still trying to grasp the dynamic of the game, as a beginner of course.
you see, I can choose either to send 12 or 15 probes to a planet that has high chances of destroying probes, and risk losing thme all. OR I can simply send 1 probe to "attack", then i will find out all the fleet, defense and WSA information. Some people have different preference, i personally don't like to take unnecessary risk.
I sort of disagree with Zorton on knowing ACS depot or not. Most high level planets can build an ACS depot under 5 minutes. Therefore buildings aren't that important.
Thu Apr 22, 2010 10:48 pm
Posts: 1446
Thu Sep 01, 2011 6:47 pm
Posts: 19
also, you sent 6 espionage missions to the same planet then sent an attack probe, so dont tell BS about how you dont take risks.
you shouldn't even be able to get anything if your fleet dies on the first turn, but since your new here, ill let you know. its a flaw in the programming since the Battle Engine update.
Warning stop flaming with cow.-LS