Re: Forthcoming Universe: Massacre

kamikaze option

to allow for destruction of mines/planet buildings

or bombings to affect mine production...
holdout / air raid defences to alleviate bombing effects
Just S N A R L & LEAP

"to crush your enemies, to see them fall at your feet -- to take their horses and goods and hear the lamentation of their women. That is best." G.K.

Re: Forthcoming Universe: Massacre

Hi again,

Regarding particular game suggestions, use the relative thread. There are some decent ideas here but need to be worked out first. Also use it to ask anything about a particular suggestion (ie Elite Recs, all it is already there: viewtopic.php?p=82604#p82604 ). All replies by Zorg are official.

I saw a good point about emptying a planet from all resources in one go, thus leaving it empty for the next one. Although this is already the case as you can send 5 raid missions one after another and virtually empty the planet, it is still a good point. Again, I think that no one has the time to do calculations in the midst of heavy pillaging and this is what is currently required. Moreover, we want to get rid of the bashing rule for Massacre, therefore emptying a planet would be in one way or another, a reality. So I would still stick to scenario 1, empty in one go with the hideout being the only line of defense for the resources on planet.

But still a very good point that for me pushes the scale towards increasing resource production. Especially if we eventually apply an increase to 75% for DF (current is 60% if I am not wrong ?).

Defense DF generation should be avoided for now.

A hideout destroy mission will occur after the pillage phase, (just like moon destroy) therefore it will require one more attack to grab the resources it used to protect. An interesting idea would be to damage a number of attacking bombers according to numbers sent/hideout level. For example, if you have a level 30 hideout, it should be able to destroy a number of 5 to 500 attacking bombers (example numbers). The more bombers you send,the less this number would be. The destroy chance would also be dependable from the attacking force. A good idea would be to limit the destroy chance to a certain point (ie 75%) while making it that it would be hard to reach it anyway. This could be crucial for players around the same power. In this way, we will prevent Hideout destroy from pillagers and this hopefully will eventually become something which will be considered an act of war for players, as it will require special preparation from the attacker. Of course, we will add the same minimum limit we propose for Moon Destroy; 25% must be reached or else. Finally, regarding hideout, since it will be a completely new concept, we will reserve our right to modify it according to balancing needs as game progresses. This will ensure it will serve its role sooner or later.

Re: Forthcoming Universe: Massacre

we need it faster then speed an all out battle faster game speed faster production and faster fleet speeds its boring just sending a fleet out waiting for a couple mins-hours just to see a combat report of winnings or failures and with faster fleet production and faster res production it would be harder to catch fleets or to hit someone before they build defense so it would make it a much more challenging game

Re: Forthcoming Universe: Massacre

Well I scammed through all the comments and suggestions and I have full intent of joining this server, but one thing is that I dont want to be playing X all over again. My suggestion is that when you attack the resource pick up would be 80% instead of 50%. Also towards the defense instead of it having a 70% chance of regenerating it would be 50%. Also a higher DF rate. I have ignorance on the DF but i think its 50% change it to 80%. Also i want the players to be able to have the max of 21 planets. Also I want something like this:

Massacre Universe
-Game Speed: 6x | Fleet Speed: 4x | Production Speed: 4x
-Max planets 21 (20 regular + 1 for rubies) | Map size?

Also I want player protection to end around I would say 10k points.

The reason I want something like this is to make it more distinct than other servers. Also it will match the name just well. Also give each type of player a change up (Fleeter,Turtle,Miner)
Last edited by SilverTB on Sun Sep 04, 2011 2:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Dumb for not doing this earlier but thanks for the sig Gale.

Re: Forthcoming Universe: Massacre

some of my idea coz i like this game and pa for it hehe:)
with ships: change the bigger ones like Rips or EC can transport ships like esp or rec or even fightwith
and you need less deut to send fleet and you can choose likemultiple wich wanna attak first when you arive the planet you wanna attak
Planets: change first if you have 15+1 why we have 9 Galaxy why not dubble like planet you have as i said need more Galaxy coz i dont even like it when all Alliance have 1-2 planet each Galaxy and come some old dude hunt you and you have no chance to win so i think its better the newbies too and thx for that they dont want to attak me 12Galaxy fr coz they dont have that much deut and they have if you make my first change :P
about res what if i say you think about taxation so if you have 10k metal 10k crystal and 10k deut evry hour you get (1K Metal 1K Crystal 1K deut) 10% you can upgarde the 10% if you build bank so there need a Building and more fields :) with rubies +% taxation :P