herduss [S.T.] vs spyronum [FTA] MOON DESTRO BLOCKED 103 Mil

This probably is my first ever speed account cr posting. I usually do not post CR's or stopped posting. But this one had a nice touch to it. Enjoy the story.

This is a funny incidence. As a everyone knows i raid alot and often raiding a coordinate 4-5 times on waves is very normal especially when i am on rebuild (in this case just build). Apparently Starship Troopers were being mewled under my raid streak. And herduss decided it be nice to pop my moon. I saw yellow line on my overview. Some rips were head way.

I gave him fair warning/cautionary excuses/requests and then suggested that he should give me a moon shot after. I would have let him enjoy the moon pop. But The last pm send me that i am to be punished cause i was raiding his weaker friends.

Well after that i just went on to set up the hot pan and lure him in to my trap. Kept antagonizing him so that he wont recall. well here is the result. Just one question herduss....

How you like them apples now?

The defender has won the battle !
The attacker has lost a total of 67500000 units.
The defender has lost a total of 35090000 units.
A debris field containing 42006600 units of Metal and 19532400 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
A fleet of the planet HERDUSS Kingdom [X:XXX:X] to the moon of the planet [X:XXX:XX]
The defender has managed to block the attemp to destroy the moon

All df collected.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.