Re: Forthcoming Universe: Massacre

ale96andru wrote:It would be fun to have 60% fleet and 30% defense in the DF.
Didn't even think about putting defenses into the DF - now that's an exciting thought. Definitely adds a new dynamic. The 30% defense to DF sounds reasonable, but maybe even 10-20% to make pure defense bashing not as alluring.

Would still like to see more than 60% fleet go into it though (approx. 75%, as it would make more hits more profitable thus bringing about more "massacre"). Would require much more recs though (So any info on getting the Elite Rec up and running would be extremely helpful in this regard), but that would just add to the fun and strategy I think.
Administrator wrote:Level 1: Hide 40k of each resource
Level 2: Hide 60k
Level 3: 100k etc

So let's say you got 1million of each resource. The attacker cargo is more than enough for all your resources.
There are 2 ways to do it:
1)Attacker steals 960k of each resource (at level 1) and leaves
2)Attacker steals 960k/2 of each resource (based on current ruling)
I personally like option 1. Simpler to calculate and, again, more profit which will add to the potential for fleeters / raiders actually building and staying in this universe which makes the whole thing more attractive.

I agree with the prospect of destroying a Hideout one level at a time rather than completely. Maybe use the same formula for MD, of course modifying it to reflect building level instead of moon size. And would it be exactly like a MD which requires winning the battle first and then going for the destruction, or would the mechanism be different? And if level destruction does occur, do the resources in excess of Hideout storage capability go to the attacker?

And again with speed, I think at least an exact middle ground between Speed and Extreme would be acceptable (to me at least):

Game speed - 6x / Fleet - 7x

Production speed to match that of Speed I think would still be manageable and, if making an environment more attractive to fleet building, miners and turtles wouldn't dominate the majority of the player base.

Not lightning fast but still a step up from 2 out of 3 servers, although I would absolutely love to see it faster than speed, but I suppose not everyone could handle that kind of time / resource management. But then again, on a server named "Massacre", you should have high expectations of mind-numbing and adrenaline-pumping stress and excitement. :P

Re: Forthcoming Universe: Massacre

Regarding DF generated from defenses, I strongly disagree with that idea. A blaance of defenses with low or no res is MEANT to STOP the attacker from visiting you(no profit)

Allowing a DF from a large shell just means there is no point in even having defenses.

I do like the idea of a tweak to DF... 70-75% would seem very efficient to me, and make those few hits that require a LOT of deut become a more viable attack option

Re: Forthcoming Universe: Massacre

a defense df will make sure no one leaves res idle. i think it will make the game alot more cut throat and be popular only for players from hybrid to raider/fleeter.

if that is the set of players u want to target to pull in that univ then its all good. but if u expect core miners to be in there then no.

for that reason u need to provide a few more alternative options for the resource growth. like higher mining production.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: Forthcoming Universe: Massacre

ale96andru wrote:the thing about defense to DF is the fact that people will not build it if they know it can be destroyed for profit.
i disagree. defense will always be an options for daily resource check and ppl will build the optimal defense this way. and alot more careful not to get carried away or make real turtles. the reason why i asked for a bit higher res production is if players do not have that extra slack they wont be able to sustain the constant defense depletion and build on something else side by side.

just think of how many times will u want to rebuild a 5K LL shield everyday if ur production is not enough to sustain that and u can make something else too.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: Forthcoming Universe: Massacre

ability to do multiple waypoint journeys..

e.g. transport resource from planet 1 to planet 2 and then land on planet 3
or attack planet 2 from planet 1 and continue on to planet 3

ability to specify different speeds on attack and return legs of missions...

e,g. attack at 20 percent return at 100 percent

ability to overload engines (with increased risk of destruction...)
fleet maintenance tech (reduce effect of engine overload... )

ability to specify multiple attacks from 1 planet to another

e.g. have 5 sets of ship input fields on the attack screen,,, and allow an attack offset of 15 seconds per attack...

allow targetted defence ,,,
let the defender specify what targets his defence should concetrate on...
e.g. ion canon target bs first gauss cannon target cargos... ignore esp

allow recyclers
to attack....
be attacked on df missions
Just S N A R L & LEAP

"to crush your enemies, to see them fall at your feet -- to take their horses and goods and hear the lamentation of their women. That is best." G.K.