Re: Forthcoming Universe: Massacre

Oh I thought this was where you should post your ideas about the new uni, and not where you just flame others for theirs. Neither one of you that had something to say about my post has had anything intelligent to add to the conversation.
And stanley you talk alot of smack for someone that has an 8 month head start, and i'm still going to catch you.
I'll take 96.875%

Re: Forthcoming Universe: Massacre

Weresloth wrote:If we could get back on topic now?
yes i guess we just got bored waiting for zorg's response :)

i would love if he would tell us how they came up with the idea to make a new universe SLOWER than speed when the bulk of the player base is asking for it to be faster. even if its just a beta to see how it works, and go from there. I liked some of his ideas, but honestly if in terms the speed of it is very similar to xtreme then personally im not even going to bother with it. i would request a pro's and con's list from zorg about how they came to this decision

Re: Forthcoming Universe: Massacre

-New building: Hideout
-New Ability: Bombers will be able to demolish Hideouts.
-No protection/bashing rules (Due to Hideout)
If bombers can destroy hideouts and they are expensive and timely to build. Once a player has lost them (depending on cost) it could be near impossible with a player constantly bashing them to build new one to protect himself/resources.
But all in all I’d say No to hideouts, when comes to it I’d say due to cost and fact that only protects percentage of resources, like in other universe they will just end up fleet saving there resources.

I’d still have bashing rule but with the limit raised, really no need to attack someone that much. Unless you’re at war and then bashing rule is lifted anyway.

With that extra time freed up maybe have look at “A complete revamp of Expeditions“
If you’re not keen on that my suggestion would be cut it from the universe and put planet in slot 16 for more space.


Re: Forthcoming Universe: Massacre

Since so many players are so hooked on speed here's a thought.

Add a new class of ships that cost more, but get more speed: X-fighter, X-Cruiser, X-whatever. They get twice the normal speed but cost three times as much.

In my opinion, anything that add to the number of useful things to do in a game adds benefit. This adds more useful ships that fits one particular style of play, but still allows others to take a more economic / laid back approach.
Outside the box? What box?

Re: Forthcoming Universe: Massacre

Negotiator wrote:I think a medium should be met. If Extreme is 4X fleet and the speed is 8x...

Fleet speed: 5-6X
Max planets: 15(+1) - Allows about 1 fleet per planet slot after tech has been researched well
Map-Medium-Large(perhaps 9 gal with 350-400)
I agree. Although we will escape .5 for simplicity sake. Most probable scenario for production, remains 2x. X-TREME has worked wonders so far with the same rate. I cannot yet rule out production speed. It might get to 3x but this will only happen if we give a brave increase in DF generation. Fleet/Game speed may be eventually get locked at 5 to give all the needed difference SPEED universe requires in terms of speed. IT is true, if you want fast gameplay, go to SPEED. It has more than enough. The 8x fleet speed is really brutal and 3x production is enormous. You cannot really simply raise production speed, what most would think as best. The reason is that if you raise production speed without raising the rest, you are favoring certain strategies and most importantly a mining strategy which tends to be the less exciting. And any fleet speed above 8x is really hard to manage as it leaves only seconds between attacks from close planets.

Regarding map, I think Speed map which is a ready thing, will serve well.

Now, regarding other remarks and proposals.

I can see there is some talk about ships. We will first need to see how the new engine will perform. Then we can discuss more precisely.

The hideout will be a common building. If percentages are too troublesome, we can set it to fixed amounts, taking in mind storages. It will serve nearly the same and eventually this might be a better way to do it (although the % way can be more challenging for the player). Probably the easy solution for a new building should be preferred. Therefore, it will go like this (I will use completely example numbers):
Level 1: Hide 40k of each resource
Level 2: Hide 60k
Level 3: 100k etc

So let's say you got 1million of each resource. The attacker cargo is more than enough for all your resources.
There are 2 ways to do it:
1)Attacker steals 960k of each resource (at level 1) and leaves
2)Attacker steals 960k/2 of each resource (based on current ruling)

I personally prefer 1) as it is more simple for newbies. In this case we can have more normal pricing for this building. In case 2) the pricing will need to be high. The exact numbers will be calculated based on mine prices (similar cost / output=capacity). We will add +25 fields to starting planets and +40 fields to biggest planet sizes to meet the extra building requirements.

Regarding destruction, it will work like Moon Destroy with only difference that it will deduct levels and not completely.
Regarding the case where a player loses its hideout, it will be nearly the same with current situation where he will need to fleetsave etc. Still, he will be able to rebuild it and continue from the same strategy. Eventually yes, you will need to fs for your resources but the whole feature can prove beneficial for raiders and for starting players. I think that the most important point in this whole issue is how we will define hideout destruction.

The elite rec is still an unfinished idea that lacks a solid base and is therefore ruled out for the new universe. It will first need to make beta stage. We are very cautious with new ships. Current ship set is more than enough in terms of number. We could add 20 new ships tomorrow. The newbs would rejoice and the veterans would leave. Once the newbs would start to realize, they would leave too. No thanks, we are not interested.

Regarding a real fast ship, there is one and it is called Battle Cruiser.

It is encouraging that you like the 15+1 planets idea. It is a big point.
I would like to hear more suggestions regarding the DF % issue, reasoning is welcomed.

We want to launch the new universe within September. We will know where we stand at September 20 where our internal timeframe for shceduled works, ends. I really hope we will be within September, it is vital for us to succeed.

Expeditions are the so called by us PvE part of the game. We are mostly interested in the PvP part of the game. For those that like PvE, I would gladly discuss a future universe with complete focus there. With a revamped expedition and a lot more ideas that you have never imagined but you will surely enjoy (if you like PvE). For now, we will need to stay focused at the PvP part and therefore expeditions will get a lower priority.

This second communication has been more fruitful and I enjoyed some of the responses. Feel free to bring more issues regarding the new universe.

Re: Forthcoming Universe: Massacre

I would like to refine some points first off.

Thank you for the general description of the hideout, although, it seems that it would be way more cost effective just to fleetsave. Also, you made it sound like you can deplete a planet in one go... Is that fair? Say you come across an inactive planet with no defenses and/or hideout. In the other uni's, you farm it for a while to get it's res, and everyone makes something off of it. But in Massacre, one raid will empty the planet, leaving it empty for everyone else. I can see someone cleaning out an area everyday and weakening everyone else in the sector. Just how the feature could go wrong in my opinion.

Secondly, the Elite Recycler. Why is it "baseless?" Tell us what we need to do to close the deal on it, and we'll get it done. Don't leave us sitting without a clue or NOTHING new and groundbreaking is ever going to be designed and implemented. I have seen outrageous suggestions in the past, but the major ones, the ones that took a lot of thought and are good, have been "approved" but with no implementation in sight. (Revamped Expeditions and Elite Rec) So, help us out admin, because the players and their ideas are what make you individual from other games.
Average Person ~ Gale Points: 28

Re: Forthcoming Universe: Massacre

Hello guys!
I've been playing on zorg for some time but as a casual player.
I was waiting for a new server for some time, and now that it will come I'll dedicate more time to zorg.

I love the name of the new universe, it will atract more players.

So, I agree with the fleet speed but I disagree with the speed of production. I like to play as a miner and I would like a bigger rate... 3x is pretty good.

The number of the colonies would be just like on the xtreme, or maybe 2-3 less. More colonies, more targets, more blood(metal).

It would be fun to have 60% fleet and 30% defense in the DF.

The number of the systems should be around 300-350 so the players will be closer and more agressive. Or there could be only 6 galaxies and 500 systems.

I will restrain myself of talking about the fleet because I haven't played much as a fleeter on Zorg.

If it will be Massacre, let it be MASSACRE!