Re: Ask me any question?

I have a mind boggler for you.

The universe is defined as everyone and everything that exists, correct me if i'm wrong. Every single atom or paticle of matter or vaccuum of space is classed as the universe. In short, there is nothing except the universe.

My question is, if people say the universe is expanding, what is it expanding into?

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Ask me any question?

If I new the meaning of life I wouldnt care if anyone else knew. I do like fishsticks. I may or may not know how to pick up a chick with one word and in reality your mind can not really (bend) or (twist) to horrors of life cause if it did, there would be alot of dead people.... The universe can be descibed as that Istalris but it can also be described as consisting of galaxies, witch have solar systems branching off of them. There are multiple universes maybe even an infinte amout but thats just to be scientific. Theroratically the universe is expanding into another universe witch can either merge together or destroy one another depending on the sizes of them. That was a good question, I gotta admit.
Artifical Inteligence Intended for Assination and Sabatoge

Re: Ask me any question?

I actually came up with a theory to my own question, go me.

When people say "the universe" is expanding they may just be referring to the objects of matter inside the universe, and that this "matter" is expanding into other areas of the universe, or "the void". So the universe itself doesen't actually move, the things inside it do. Think of it as a bathtub being the universe and the water is the matter inside, slowly expanding and moving out. What do ya think? :lol:


P.S. I think SBT likes fishsticks.
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Ask me any question?

There are so many interesting theories out there... String theory, Chaos theory, Relativity, etc...

The truth is that as much as we have learned and all the knowledge we have gained, there are some huge lapses even in many areas that are considered common knowledge. We think that simply by observing something we can understand it. Nothing is further from the truth.

My question is this: What sparked the first amino acids to become life? More specifically, what caused the amino acids to produce protein that lead to life? Or alternatively, where did the RNA originate?

"You are in a position to demand nothing. I however, am in a position to grant nothing."

Khan Noonian Singh

Re: Ask me any question?

What do you think he was refering to xar? I have said that in the thery I stated slash, just more broad, but when atoms with an odd number of electrons share with each other or (combine) they create a greater mass, so yes the universe can fall apart as you have stated or combined with others. No sadbutrue I dont like to answer trick questions. That is actuaally pretty good Istalris, sounds great, you should ask a scholar about this instead of asking a teen though, I m sure you 'd get an "awesome" from them. :D There are an infinite amount of theories to how life began. I wouldnt be able to list them all, but one would be a chemical reaction or if you want more religous then people would say "GOD" made it happen.There is no real answer for how RNA origanated. I dont think I can solve every question by looking at them, I just try my best to answer them, to be able help, is better than being selfish. :D
Artifical Inteligence Intended for Assination and Sabatoge