Re: The secret plan to bring down

I say this as a player, not a moderator.

All I see from this post is an internet tough guy trying to restate his place after being a bit shaken up for the first time in a while. There is no secret plan, Gozar. Who do you think made a 'secret plan'? Me? DR? Rj? WS? You will be brought down, whether you think it's 'cheating' or not. We all know that your crying-wolf cheating excuses are meaningless after the countless times you've used them.

This is no plan. This is what happens to all the #1's. Every leader's reign comes to an end. Your's might just be a bit harsher. But then again, you brought that upon yourself. Who are you to believe that you can dictate all these players in Xtreme? Giving out threats like "until you quit, I won't". Are we in grade school now? Thanks to your attitude and personality, a lot of us will remember you as "Gozar, the great fool".

If you want to quit, quit. When one wants to quit, a game is meaningless to them. But apparently that's not the case. Let's think why....oh yeah! Because your pride over the INTERNET has blinded you so much that you can't just let things go! News flash: It's a game!

No matter how many fleets you crash, or how many shells you crack, you will never be respected by the general public in this server.
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: The secret plan to bring down

I welcome any plans that may brighten up the game, what ever the outcome (providing it is within the rules and there is no cheating).
Yeah, who else would call the cheat card on the rest of the community.. for the 10x time with no proof.

Honestly, we should have a "biggest drama queen" added to the next player awards vote. You'd win NO CONTEST.

Also, 30 months of getting your fleet off better players and friends. I don't even know ZE history much and somehow I still know you mooched off your alliances mates and "friends" fleets over the months(GWD RJ, both alliance mates, not to mention you probably was given scraps of PK DJMANJ among others I am unaware of)

Do us all a favor and leave your crap-chute drama posts off this forum.
War Never Changes.

Re: The secret plan to bring down

wow ive been away for awhile bt as i read this i would love to help bt its kinda dumb to post this since its been known countless of times to bring him down bt hey its a game and it sounds fun also the smart thing that before you even try to bring him down would be to bring his conrades down first.
Only the Determined Prosper

Re: The secret plan to bring down

pheonix wrote:wow ive been away for awhile bt as i read this i would love to help bt its kinda dumb to post this since its been known countless of times to bring him down bt hey its a game and it sounds fun also the smart thing that before you even try to bring him down would be to bring his conrades down first.
I am here waiting for your attacks. ;)

Re: The secret plan to bring down

Mate u will be missed :)
either if u attacked me :)
i remember that teamwork we made when i was on BR13 and the evade i made when u was destroying my moons lol
but plz quit u made terror on the server in many players quitting..
Last edited by Gogetass4 on Mon Aug 01, 2011 5:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Power is Ours!

Re: The secret plan to bring down

I tried to be away from this topic but.....

Because there is very little honor left in ZE Extreme, there is a certain built-in tendency to destroy the community.

We all know that..

Friendship and respect do not unite people as much as a common hatred for something.

And I would add:

This world of ours... must avoid becoming a community of dreadful fear and hate, and be, instead, a proud confederation of mutual trust and respect.

I know is a game, play it fairly and you will be respected and remembered as a great player ! or fulfill your egoistic needs and be forgotten as soon as you quit.

Almost all community knows me as a player, I want you to know that I consider Mark as one of my best friends, thou I can not say the same about Gozar !

Re: The secret plan to bring down

a must say everyone is strong in words
but in actions you all are weak
why reason is simple a checked forum in one year nobody rised to fight against apacalypse or Ib
and you all talking big to take down apacalypse

right now only Azguard,Arcane armada,Rawk can stand against apacalypse.
all others allainces are weak Ezt-too much v modes
Borg-one active member only
Elites-small allaince but the cant fight back number on allaince
Black rebelion-3 or 4 members with strong fleets

my word to all :
think twice before you can do sommething against Apacalypse
because all of you will run away when time come to take on Apacalypse
:boohoo: :boohoo: :boohoo: :boohoo: 8-) 8-) 8-) :evil: :evil: :twisted: :twisted:

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