Re: Corrupt a Wish

Granted. You have a scaly back like a fish.

I wish I could breath under water.
Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the Spiffiest of them all?

Do Science Responsibly: Don't Do Science and Drive

"While it's good to learn from experience, it is better to learn from other people's experience" - Warren Buffett

Re: Corrupt a Wish

Granted. But now an infinite loop is established meaning no one can ever wish for anything else and this topic is effectively killed.

I wish that the next person is going to wish the same wish as this wish.
Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the Spiffiest of them all?

Do Science Responsibly: Don't Do Science and Drive

"While it's good to learn from experience, it is better to learn from other people's experience" - Warren Buffett

Re: Corrupt a Wish

Granted however, since I am the current player posting not the next player posting your wish has no effect on my wish. (see it is all a matter of prospective... It's alive, IT"S ALIVE :P)

I wish I could trust that the beans from Taco Bell contained only the ingredients found in the recipe and not the other brown substances of urban legend.
Those with nothing to loose have the most to gain. Long live the Miner!

Re: Corrupt a Wish

Granted. Every morning it gives you a thorough cleaning with a very rough bristle brush and caustic soap and an enema to boot.

I wish Scrappy were here too.
Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the Spiffiest of them all?

Do Science Responsibly: Don't Do Science and Drive

"While it's good to learn from experience, it is better to learn from other people's experience" - Warren Buffett