Poll: Ship count in combat reports

Should be allowed.
Total votes: 28 (62%)
Should not be allowed.
Total votes: 10 (22%)
I do not care.
Total votes: 7 (16%)
Total votes: 45

Re: [Evaluation Needed] Combat Reports in Forums

neoshagrath wrote:Maybe it should be allowed to post ship/defense types and counts in combat reports. It would be more detailed and would look better than just seeing the attacker/defender loss + debris.

It is a little bit revealing but...
The winner (mostly the attacker) posts the combat report. It would be up to him if he wants to show the details or not.
The player who lost probably would not care since the fleet would have been lost and it would not matter.

If the attacker is intent on hiding his fleet count, then he should take into consideration the possibility of his fleet count being posted by the defender through CRs. (There are instances where the player on the losing side will be the one to post the combat report. Though usually to praise the attacker.)

Yeah a player who just lost his army would attract a lot of vultures but that would depend on the players' ethics.

The only con I can think of is that players would have second thoughts on posting hits if they don't want to show their fleet. But I think that is not a really big deal since hunters can just ask the defender how much fleet the attacker has. The defender would most probably oblige.

I disagree.. If as a bigger fleeter in the game i saw a combat report showing the size of someones fleet id probably want to attack it, in fact it would probably put off an attacker wanting to post a combat report.

Too many negatives for me to like this idea.

No from me