Re: ikyan [IB] vs Destruction [IB] TD 37.014.508.400

Well Shawn, for sure you'll be missed. You've hunted me in Xtreme and been an ally in Speed. Intelligence and class are the ultimate qualities to possess in any kind of game and you have plenty of both...maybe it's that Canadian thing.. :). I had been looking forward to the day when you'd build a fleet and join the rest of ~~The Strong~~ in keeping the Speed uni in Anyway, life has many paths to follow and maybe your path will one day bring you back. Until then....good luck!!

Re: ikyan [IB] vs Destruction [IB] TD 37.014.508.400

It has Been a pleasure Learning the Game from day 1 from you Shawn. Who knows, maybe one day I would have enough time to be a Rebel once again and talk **** to all LOL Wont be as fun with you not around:) Good luck with Real Life My friend, Take a good break, or never come back, what ever you decide in the future here, Keep on Truckin lol

When faced with intelligent and devious strategies, do something entirely irrational and let your enemies think themselves to death

Re: ikyan [IB] vs Destruction [IB] TD 37.014.508.400

You're crude, blunt, and often hammered...and one of the best lads I've met on here.

I remember when we first met on the forums, we were flaming Bobrox2000 or something heheh. You'll always be my "great teacher" to my non-existent myth fleet (wink wink). Thank you for the knowledge, the friendship, the rude and yet hilarious comments to loosen me up, and all the crazy talks we'd have just messin' with people on chat and in the forum. Hope to see you around real soon.

Bye Shawn, you'll be sorely missed. ;)
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__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________