Quick Magic VS kuddlez (AKA The Shell) TD 11.194.511.400

Attacker Loss: 10.815.101.400 Defender Loss:379.410.000
winnings Metal:0 Crystal:0 Deuterium:0
Debris Metal:3.598.160.640 Crystal:2.893.546.200

while here is a new number 6 hit. was going to go with a number 2 but decided my fleet shouldn't go all to one person. to bad some old friends where all in V-mode.

Last edited by chrisOH on Sat Jun 18, 2011 12:35 am, edited 3 times in total.
how i'm still around.... no one knows...

Re: Quick Magic VS the shell 11.194.511.400

:boohoo: I would like to say good bye to a bad sportsman and a crap player...But I can't you will be missed, you arse-wipe.
(had to get one last insult in.)
I for one, will miss your banter.. I do hope you stay in touch..at least on the forum. ZE looses another good player ( and not because of IB.lol ) you were one of the few players that even attacked us.. kudos for trying.

Good luck in RL or what ever you do m8..its been fun ;)

enjoy the resources Kudz. :dance:

Re: Quick Magic VS the shell 11.194.511.400

Oh my god. Kron has left the building. :shock:

It has been an honor to have met you Chris. You were my first trading partner back when I was in AoD, and I really appreciate the help you gave me along the way. It is sad to see you go, but RL has ways of making us leave and come back.

I am sure you will be back soon, but in the meantime, take care. ;)

Re: Quick Magic VS the shell 11.194.511.400

Well there goes another great player. With PK blue and you out the door, there is little opposition of the old guard that can challenge the top members, unfortunately the next generation whom I am sure will be good are just not nearly ready to take the step into being scary, especially since one of them just suicided apparently too!

One question, what kind of a BC boy crashes their fleet DURING GAME **** 7 with the 'Nucks in there?! Seriously bro, tis tis.

Good luck in real life, however I think you will get bored in rl without having a chance to piss off the top ten ;)
Death begins with life's first breath, and life begins at the touch of death.