Please make sure you have checked the Players Guide thread first, before asking any questions.

Re: Attack

1. To get resources
2. Because you feel like it :twisted:

Or is this an existential question? Like, why is the universe so cruel and unfair :shock: ? In which case, I suggest taking a philosophy course :D
Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the Spiffiest of them all?

Do Science Responsibly: Don't Do Science and Drive

"While it's good to learn from experience, it is better to learn from other people's experience" - Warren Buffett

Re: Attack

Maybe he mean cant :)

There a rule where you cant attack someone who has 1/5 of your points or below. That rule is lifted for all players with 10k points or more (100k in extreme). Also you cannot attack any player in vacation mode (ppl in light blue with a v beside their name).

Hope this help.