Re: Destruction vs Surreal Relativity

apparently you are the narrow minded one who couldn't read what i wrote. My growth obviously has to do with the fact that i know these types of games better then you and most other people. the fact that you get cocky when asked a question is what this is about. Tell me what rules i have ever tried to dictate? I never said you couldn't do it, i did however say that if you wanted to be cocky i would take your moons. remember one thing, my word is my bond, many players can tell you that.
They may not like me, but they've gotta respect me!

Re: Destruction vs Surreal Relativity

Dont bring in the 'growth' has to do with "knowing the game". You spend more time on ZE then me.
Thats what its all about. You know when i sleep, you know where my planets are.
You even know when i gave someone a Moonshot. Hell, that must have gone pretty far...

This only means you have good contacts and a lot of spare time. Skill has nothing to do with it.
Because of this. You are the cocky one not me. You are so confident of yourself, that your so
awesome in this game. You forget to see, that this game is totally based on mathmetics and logistics.

The more time you have, the more and faster you can build/raid/attack/grow.
The more contacts you have, the more you know.

About the dictation. Like you said before in the Chat, everyone interpretates a msg in a diffrent way.
You thought my msg was cocky. I thought your msg was a violation of my freedom.

In your msg if i may quote you said:
Rumour has it you are giving Jordan moonshots.

This is right after you attacked me on my main planet with a shell.
I would think only a fool would consider this a friendly act. I saw it as a threat.
With you saying, don't give people moonshots who i am attacking.

In other words a rule in the book.
Do not give moonshots to a friend in need, or i will blow your head off.

I am really wondering if we are on the same level of intelligence here...

Re: Destruction vs Surreal Relativity

One thing I have to say:
ShoQ wrote:He will ultimately lose his power. In this case, zorg empire will eventually die, cause no one wants to play anymore.
This constant chase of the higher players after the lower players is exhilarating, sometimes for the higher players, sometimes for the lower players, and sometimes for both. This INSPIRES people to rise to the top and take out the "dictators." I don't see how RJ is ruining the game for you, he's making it a heck of a lot more fun for me.

Also Shoq, you could always use the forums, or refer to the rules section on your left menu if you really need to know something. It's there, trust me. If you don't like what he's doing; do it your own way, don't screw up your fleetsaving, and keep your fleet. If you don't screw up your fleetsaving, he can't get your fleet. I realize he's popping your moons, but make some out-of-alliance friends that you can fleetsave to. Then you'll be good.
Average Person ~ Gale Points: 28

Re: Destruction vs Surreal Relativity

Everybody loves a troll... i think on cyber space there are more trolls than reality. or there are just they dont have frontal teeth cause ... well it defo end up in a brawl.

chill guys, its a war if u do not like it there are ways to escape it ;)
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: Destruction vs Surreal Relativity

Weresloth wrote:Fancy barbecue you've got going here RJ; turning down the grill a tad would be nice though.
nice barbecue i have, and yes all of zorg empire is invited to eat at it. ;)
They may not like me, but they've gotta respect me!

Re: Destruction vs Surreal Relativity

man that guy is clueless. we are out here trying to improve the whole community by teaching the things we have learned in the strong and most importantly from you rj. and we are ruining it? Im not holding anything back in teaching these guys what i know, and 99% of what i know is what i learned while playing alongside RJ. there is far more than just having free time to being strong in this game, and clearly shoq doesnt have it.

you got my support mate, but im afraid the rest of my alliance wont be able to offer much lol. Just say the word dude:)

Re: Destruction vs Surreal Relativity

Harry, did i every say your name? I only named RJ. No other player in Strong ever attacked/bashed someone 'cause he was bored and felt like doing it'. That part is what bothers me the most. And ofc you back him up, since he was your former alliance mate. But w/e. There are two sides of this story. And i've already stated mine. And you guys have stated yours. Apparently the majority part on this forum agrees with RJ. But i also know that there are people out there who have the same oppinion as me. You can close your eyes to it, and tell yourself its not true. But i think you all know, a part of what
im saying is true. Even though i might be incompetent in this game, and RJ just got my fleet.

I might have been rude with my words to RJ, But i think he doesnt deserve any less.
In my eyes he is the pest of ZE, and he will remain that way.
I wont change my oppinion or attitude just cause i lost my fleet.

Just for the notice. I will go in v-mode now and dont know if i will be returning.
You can laugh about it, and think im a loser. idc. I just want you guys to remember one thing.
There are many people in ZE that think the same way i do.
Ignore it or deal with it.

Re: Destruction vs Surreal Relativity

geez what a drama queen. what do you think if all members former and present of strong just up and quit tomorrow? this server would become as boring as standard was until recently lol. anyways all im saying is you guys arent teaching new alliance mates or just regular joe's that join, or what you are in fact teaching is a joke. we are basically doing your job for you because you either arent willing, or able to do. before rj even knew me he opened up is brain and answered any question i asked of him, and i know for a fact will do it for any of you or anyone. but you sum him up in one word, a pest. thats just lame, and petty coming from someone who just lost his fleet and is clearly and understandably not happy about it. you are just being petty and immature man, and they arent conducive to having a friendly yet competitive gaming community, and that is all any of us want, its just a shame you dont want that too.

Re: Destruction vs Surreal Relativity

shoq here is an example. I just got my *** handed to me. fkin torkill just ninja'd me out of 1200 LG's, and 4 EC's, but am i crying about it? hell no, i just sent him a congratulatory(sp) message because he really got me there. I was really wondering if it was a trap, but i let my guard down a little too much i guess. am i crying? no, i am already in rebuild mode, and just like i admire one of my crashes, i can also admire being ninja'd like that, as its really been the first time for me.

here goes my EC's.
Attack Report [X:XX:XX]

Attacker Loss: 12.000.000 Defender Loss:0
winnings Metal:0 Crystal:0 Deuterium:0
Debris Metal:3.600.000 Crystal:3.600.000

here is the demise of my LG's. he jumped 15k bcs, and 6 rip's in right before my hit.
Attack Report [X:XX:XX]

Attacker Loss: 144.000.000 Defender Loss:13.450.800
winnings Metal:0 Crystal:0 Deuterium:0
Debris Metal:48.566.880 Crystal:45.903.600

to make matters worse, he must have jumped in about 6k recs as well, because i didnt get any DF.
i thought he fell asleep at the wheel, anyways, i am human, and so is rj. just like myself, he makes mistakes. im not going to cry into my beer now about this, like i said, i will rebuild stronger, and now torkill has my respect

I havent had my *** kicked like that in some time, but the moment i let what happens here, affect what happens in my real life is the day i quit this game. because thats what it is, a GAME.

No Coordinates ~ Cypher