Re: Players Leaving the Game

SPY wrote:
joshanddrew wrote:welcome to a war game...go cry someone else
This is not just a war game. as it was pointed out so many times before this game is an empire simulation. you grow your empire and war raid battle is just one of the ways you can grow. perhaps the only teaching wank-tank can really provide here the importance of being careful and do the needful to keep your empire safe.

if the player base has a mentality of mutual growth, i doubt your effort will have any effect cause when there is mutual growth is concerned the need for protection do not apply.

just a different thought for the ppl who are just having fun in this chaos. i feel that some where in the line many of the new standard players have forgot to respect the ways and views of others.

have fun but why make it a nasty thing in the process? and about players leaving. if a single player leaves ze it is a potential loss. no matter how bad the player is as per ur view. many standard players are here just to grow empires peacefully. well its a new concept for them to adept to. rushing them will most definitely cause them to leave. and that blame is on to wank-tank. call it purge or call it fullish skirmish to cut off players without giving them enough time to adept. the end result is standard player base has lessened.

this message is for wank-tank and the players who started this skirmish... perhaps if u do not agree with the player base may be u are the outcast?

A very good summary of what a lot of players apparently think right now from someone with far more experience with the game than I have. It might occur to The Wank Tank fellows (eventually) that when the much despised NOOBs eventually become tired of the Standard Game they will probably move on to the X-treme and Speed Servers. Killing of the introductory players is bad for business and bad in principle as I keep saying.

@Joshanddrew We can have a little song and dance and fleet save for month after month. If we don't come out and fight I guess you'll still be enjoying the game to its fullest :))

Re: Players Leaving the Game

I don't see what the big problem is. If we weren't meant to attack other players they wouldn't have made it an option. So a group of big Xtreme guys moved to Standard server and started fleeting. Welcome to the game of ZE. Everyone jumps to the defense of the Standard players because they weren't "ready" for it. They should have known what to expect when signing up for a game like this. And yeah, Standard is for the casual player. Casual players can still FS.

And for the record, I've never made a hit that wasn't for profit. That's how the game is meant to be played.
Forum Moderator: The Chill One ~ Gale Points: 52
The only thing standing between me and immortality is death.

Re: Players Leaving the Game

well by all means play the game as it is. but do not try to justify the act of overly access fleet crashing in the name of teaching or for the betterment of that perticular server. its prejudice to think that by your own action u are benefiting the game. i am just saying assuming such things is arrogant and superfluous.

apart from that all the cr and everything involved since then the war and all. it all fun to me. i do enjoy the hits.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: Players Leaving the Game


Hear Hear Sir.... but your rational view will only fall (as has mine) on deaf ears I'm afraid. I can only agree that it is a kind of prejudice to think furthering one's own goals and bolstering one's own ego is in some way a constructive approach when it is clearly causing players to leave the game or go into long term Vmode.

@RJ and Co ... , as I've noted previously, what if you do end up No. 1 on Standard (?) (well, from what I can see you already are), what then? If the Standard Server is for NOOBs, so be it. You are then King of the NOOBs. You do not educate the children in the playground about war by running in with a Uzi and opening up.

No it's not real life, by far. I see enough of that ( blood and all ) in my real world job. That does not mean that ethics cannot be relevant and prevail in a game if the majority has grown used to and accepted that ethic. The players on the Standard Server have grown used to a different ethics and this should have been respected. The correct way to have gone about the "teaching" bit was to declare a "war game" within the "war game" for a period of time. When you come in and simply relentlessly go after weaker ( stupider ?) players you achieve the result you expect - you "win".

JOKE: (should be read with wry smile and a katzenjammer accent)

Dr: I am going to stick a pin in your leg to see if the anaesthetic has taken effect. Please tell me if you feel any pain...


Dr: I'm terribly sorry. I'll try that again.

Patient: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRGHGHGHGH!!!!!!!!! DOCTOR!!!! That's the WRONG LEG!!!

Dr: Yes. I know.


Re: Players Leaving the Game


Thanks for the wise words. I have to admit that I have mistaken myself in the Wank Tank. Their tactics with BC's I haven't seen yet in standard. But they are going only for the bigger ones now (I guess). So the smaller players can still play their game.
But appearantly other players take up the tactics of the Wank Tank and the game has become 'how can I fleet save with a moon'. If you don't have a moon, they track down your fleet and you are still loosing your fleet. And if you don't move your fleet it is also broken down (just in case an other player can get it). (Correct me if I am wrong)
This way I don't like the game anymore. People oblige you to get a moon and to fleetsave, while maybe other tactics also could work.
As you can see, even alliances don't work. Nobody can hold the Wank Tank, so it is now like any other online game. One group becomes too big and the game is dead.
It would maybe be nicer to see if all the alliances become one alliance or dismiss all in unique players again and find out a new tactic. Than we maybe can see if it is still fun to be King of the NOOB's :D .

Hopefully we can find ways to make it all exciting for everybody. And yes, this game is meant to attack each other, but also that you can play this game on your own way.


Re: Players Leaving the Game


I suspect that the only way SGC and The Wank Tank can proceed after "the war" is to make some offer of reparations to the smaller players. The tactics we have adopted have not been pretty, I admit. I think we will need to give a lot back to get things on an even keel for the little guys.

As for "holding" The Wank Tank, we have not had a strategy to do so. The game mechanics does not simulate anything in reality. In reality there is a certain "randomness" that can turn the tide of a battle. In this scenario it is only necessary to hide from your enemy long enough for them to lose interest or go into Vmode. SGC can be very patient, but that's not what "winning" in the point scoring sense is about. In a close-t-real situation we would be able to cut them off from supply (for example) more effectively and employ certain diversionary tactics that do not apply here.

I think in a new-look Standard Game there needs to be some constant "war gaming" just to keep the edge on all players - me included :)


Re: Players Leaving the Game

and thus the whining continues. Seriously you posting on the forums trying to make us look like bad guys isn't doing anything for you, the best it has done is gave everyone more laughs about the credibility of the players of the standard server. It's not us that is ruining the server, it's the fact that is was stagnant for so long, if you wouldn't have let it get to that point it wouldn't be what it is today.

And no I'm not done, not by a long shot, not until the actual bullies of the game are taken down. They don't seem to like when any player comes over and attacks anyone active. When this happens they all attempt to hunt one person and try to wipe them out, how is that not bullying? at least with me I have decided to hunt all of you. You, SGC and Cerberus, were the ones who brought this war and play style to everyone else's door step.

So please tell me how you are the good guys and letting everyone play and learn?
They may not like me, but they've gotta respect me!

Re: Players Leaving the Game

one question rj.... how long does it take for you to hunt a fleet in standard server? the entire breath, from spotting-tracing-launching and recycling.

go back ten step say while u were rebuilding ur empire say 1 month back give me a state around then.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: Players Leaving the Game

considering this account was given to me, there wasn't much of a rebuild just ships mostly. The spotting, after making sure i knew the whole galaxy, took about 5 mins, figuring the numbers another 30 seconds, launching takes anywhere between 30 minutes and 1 hour depending on their distance and recycling takes anywhere between 1 hour 15 minutes to just over 2 and a half hours. to me this is ample time to get online and see that you are being attacked and move.
They may not like me, but they've gotta respect me!