Re: ikyan [IB] vs Pissed TD 352.579.900

I have waited till the dust settled before I posted my views..
1st off pissed was a friend of mine I had a personal nap with him.. I was trying to teach and help him as much as I could..I am sure he will testify to this fact. However "you can lead a horse to water you can not make it drink". I had explained on a number of occasions the art FS.. I most definitely told him to use his moons.. So to find not one or two of his fleets on lanx but four. I am surprised he lasted this long..I liked him and wish him all the best. However he can not blame anyone but himself. When kick told me he had his fleet on lanx..I asked if it was worth hitting or could he let it go.. We know that answer and I do not blame him..profit is profit..

A sure way to learn the importance of FS'ing is to get hit. Now I don't know why but SpaceDemon saw fit to become a little more verbal than was necessary.. I have to say on this point I replied with my fleet and took his the other day. not much so I did not post.. I think he now knows my opinion.

The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 984624 units of Metal, 1382688 units of Crystal and 967435 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 0 units.
The defender has lost a total of 86.295.500 units.
A debris field containing 27.975.600 units of Metal and 22.750.500 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 19 %

Guys before you make statements learn the facts first. better to be a fool in silence, than open your mouth and proving it.

Re: ikyan [IB] vs Pissed TD 352.579.900

Gozar wrote: The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 984624 units of Metal, 1382688 units of Crystal and 967435 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 0 units.
The defender has lost a total of 86.295.500 units.
A debris field containing 27.975.600 units of Metal and 22.750.500 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 19 %
lol :lol:
Only the Determined Prosper

Re: ikyan [IB] vs Pissed TD 352.579.900

What I don't understand is how people expect to be handed success or be allowed to act stupidly without being punished. This is a WAR game, and war is about using maximum force to either destroy an enemy or give them as little chance of survival as possible, in order tp ensure your own survival. If a profit is available, you take it. If someone makes a mistake, you exploit it. I once tried to build a fleet. You know what happened? I got it crashed and destroyed almost a month of work and half my points. So what? I kept playing; I didn't whine and noone went on a forum rampage for me. For god's sake, people. Grow up and act like you got a pair.

"Steal from one and you are a thief. Steal from all and you are the government"