Re: ikyan [IB] vs Pissed TD 352.579.900

Wow really, I forget to message back people maybe half the time. Nobody rages on me, they just say "Hey bro, asked ya if you could help me with...". Not a big deal really IMO if Karroth forgot to message you once, there are other alliance mates, enemies, forums, and chat to learn off of as well :roll: .
Death begins with life's first breath, and life begins at the touch of death.

Re: ikyan [IB] vs Pissed TD 352.579.900

SpaceDemon wrote:
Weresloth wrote:Kick, just tell me when you want this locked.
Go ahead and lock it.. Everyone has their own opinions and wish to stick to them so any input from someone who has experienced things differently obviously upsets the apple cart
Actually my friend, I am the OP. I would rather suggest this stay open for further comments :lol:
Death begins with life's first breath, and life begins at the touch of death.

Re: ikyan [IB] vs Pissed TD 352.579.900

I learn mostly from the inadvertant rages about not getting things my way when I want it and how I want it. Btw, ikyan im pissed at not getting this hit, and pissed got ikyan'd all over the place and i was no where around to do nothin to get nothin and im pissed at ikyan and pissed i hope you GloTR and SD i hope your pissed when you get ikyan'd too and i want......OH NEVERMIND!

Re: ikyan [IB] vs Pissed TD 352.579.900

Spankie wrote:I learn mostly from the inadvertant rages about not getting things my way when I want it and how I want it. Btw, ikyan im pissed at not getting this hit, and pissed got ikyan'd all over the place and i was no where around to do nothin to get nothin and im pissed at ikyan and pissed i hope you GloTR and SD i hope your pissed when you get ikyan'd too and i want......OH NEVERMIND!
haha that was halarious :lol:
SpaceDemon wrote:
Weresloth wrote:Kick, just tell me when you want this locked.
Go ahead and lock it.. Everyone has their own opinions and wish to stick to them so any input from someone who has experienced things differently obviously upsets the apple cart
more comments :D
Only the Determined Prosper

Re: ikyan [IB] vs Pissed TD 352.579.900

Nice hit Kick. :clap:

As for SpaceDemon, suck it up. Get a moonshot, make some friends, read the forums. The info is out there for you, you just have to look for it. If you're too lazy to do that, then you won't make it far in this game. Laziness equals sloppiness, and sloppiness equals no fleet.
Average Person ~ Gale Points: 28

Re: ikyan [IB] vs Pissed TD 352.579.900

you don't even need 1 moon to fleetsave. just use an inactive or an alliance mates moon. If you only use your own you will get hit more often. You have to be unpredictable. and ask as many people as you need until you get an answer and make friends. This game goes through rotations of the top 10. I have seen at least 3 major rotations when players either retire or just get out played. and EVERYONE starts at the bottom, if you are determined you can be in the next rotation of top 10 players then you can get the same "this game aint fair" pm's that are so popular :lol:

Good Hit Kick
GLiRL Pissed
Crazy is not he who speaks to himself, but rather he whose words fall upon deaf ears...